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Grilling the Wild Salmon

I love wild salmon. I really love it grilled. But there was always this problem: when you flip a filet over on the side without skin, a lot of the salmon sticks to the grill. Wastes salmon. Looks ugly. Here's the solution.
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Seasonal Soda: Strawberry-Rhubarb Pop

Back in the BCS Soda Lab again. Looking for a delicious all-natural soda with no sodium and no added sugar. Here it is. If your only requirement is big, bright, refreshing flavor, this one's for you, too.
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Spring Onions. Celebrate!

A celebratory snack or a light meal. Hot, soft, juicy, sweet and smoky. With just a touch of rich and luscious from garlic mayonnaise. Just like they've been doing it in Spain for centuries. A custom worth keeping.
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A Teapot for Every Chicken

Juicy, smoky, aromatic chicken. All succulence and satisfaction. Zero Glycemic Load. Two minutes of active preparation. Three ingredients. You really have to try this.
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Gingerbread Cake: make your mouth glow

Might be the most deeply flavorful cake you've ever put in your mouth. Super bright and spicy fresh ginger. Gentle, dark sweetness from maple syrup and molasses. Fragrant orange zest. Makes your mouth vibrate hot and cool at the same time.
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Better Buns for Summer

Homemade buns for burgers and dogs. So much Better than those artificially moist things in plastic bags - and half the price. Airy and flavorful. So good you could skip the meat and have a brioche bun for breakfast.
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A Little Science to Lower Carb Calories

I'm a carb guy so I'm loving this. Amazingly simple, no-cost Ways to lower the Glycemic Load and calories of potatoes, pasta and - now - rice, too. Unless you're on some kind of paleo diet, you really should read this.
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Springtime for Asparagus & Farro

Spring on a plate. A perfectly delicious Way to get a perfectly healthy meal into your diet. High-protein whole grain. Barely cooked vegetables. Almost makes itself in 25 minutes. A light, bright, satisfying meal with big flavors.
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Cinco de Mayo Salsa Pizza

Salsa verde to replace the traditional tomato sauce. Cilantro instead of basil. And some fresh corn, peppers and grape tomatoes because it's Cinco de Mayo. A $2.50 pizza that's cause for celebration on any date.
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