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80 Ways: Worldwide Chocolate: Mousse

80 recipes. Based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Lots of them have a third: chocolate. Which has a GL near zero. Which is the second-best reason to make and eat this.
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80 Ways: Frozen Pizza on a Stick

Savory popsicles. They're delicious, they're weird, they'll make you laugh, they'll make you happy whenever they're in your mouth. A convenient, frozen-solid, hand-held pizza on a stick. Great ingredients you can't stop licking.
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80 Ways: So cool. Raita Popsicles

Raita is a refreshing yogurt dip that's usually served with spicy Indian foods. It cools things down. When you freeze it in a popsicle mold, things get turned around. And really cool. Now it's something you dip in your mouth. Something delicious and refreshing on its own.
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80 Ways: Gazpacho’sicles. Cool licks

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. Lower your body temperature to complete comfort in one minute flat with this low Glycemic Load pop. A convenient, frozen, hand-held soup and salad on a stick. Great for parties.
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Oh, K: Vitamin K, lettuce and your bones

You probably know you need Vitamin D to absorb and use calcium to maintain bone health. But you might not know about Vitamin K, the other vitamin that contributes mightily to bone strength and density. The one that leafy greens are full of.
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80 Ways: Ice Cream & Fruit in Italy

80 Ways to eat very well. 80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the world. From very different places with very different diets. But they all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Let's have dessert in Italy.
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80 Ways: Portuguese Caldo Verde

80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Like this wonderful soup. Rich but not heavy. Luscious and bright at the same time. Mellow, smoky and spicy all at once.
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80 Ways: Best Bar Snack In Town

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. Garbanzos fritos are still addictively tasty in Spain's tapas bars. Hundreds of years after Columbus brought beans and peppers back from the New World.
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80 Ways: Greek salad. Not what you think

80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Like this historic salad from Greece that's not your old Greek salad.
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80 Ways: Maine: Lobster Cakes and Hash

80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. Diets with no highly processed foods and low daily glycemic loads. With dishes Like this deeply delicious, intensely aromatic treat that won't break the bank or the daily GL goal. Happy National Lobster Day!
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