The scent of bread baking in your oven. The sense of something great happening right in your own kitchen. Like this wildly fragrant and puffy Indian bread, naan. Soft, chewy, buttery. Twenty cents to make one that serves two.
Lightly breaded, pan-fried cod. Easy, foolproof. Turns out perfectly on the first try. The lightest bread and egg white crust that's paper-thin and crackling crisp. And it keeps the fish tender and juicy. Almost any fish: bass, trout or catfish will work just as well.
But cook it Slow. Low heat makes fluffy eggs. Leftover risotto conspires with eggs to make an easy, delicious meal. Soft but firm, mushroom-infused rice and juicy mushrooms surrounded by light, fluffy egg. Yum.
Earthy, juicy mushrooms coated with sweet, pungent, garlicky basil. A perfect winter pizza. Mushrooms: fresh every day, all year. Basil: fresh from your windowsill or a market. Or fresh-frozen from your summer garden and ready to thaw. For this light, luscious, aromatic pizza.
Pork optional. As crunchy and tasty as any greasy Chinese take-out. But Way Better. A cool way to prepare whole-grain, high-protein farro. And crisp, healthful broccoli and peppers. Four dollars for an intensely flavorful, fresh and satisfying meal.
Wins the Pleasure Per Calorie Contest. Very High Pleasure. And surprisingly Low Glycemic Load. Sweet, creamy whole grain corn. Deeply, darkly rich sauce. Succulent, barely crisped shrimp. Do your mouth a big favor and make this.
Rice and mushrooms so aroma- and flavor-enriched by a simple mushroom stock that you have a heightened sense of mushroom-ness. No drugs, just your common creminis and shiitakes. Deeply delicious, emphatically aromatic. Luscious, elegant and hearty at the same time.
Free soup. A hot, aromatic, deeply delicious improvement for a cold winter day. It's all in the mushroom stock you make by simmering leftover mushroom stems in a pot of water for a light, clear stock with a super-concentrated fragrance and flavor of mushroom.
That's the question at breakfast every morning ... if you're in Nepal. If you're in North America this week, it's the answer. Easily habit-forming. Great for recharging your immune system. A very good habit at this time of year.
Warm and satisfying. So many flavors. So few calories in such a big serving. Just the kind of calories you want, the ones with a low glycemic load. Just vegetables, olive oil and chickpeas. And these super-high-fiber chickpeas are a great source of protein.