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Wonder. Bread.

Ever wonder how Wonder Bread came to replace wonderful bread? Ever wonder where Wonder Bread and its pre-packaged cousins actually come from? Ever wonder how to make truly wonderful bread in your own little oven? You must have answered yes to at least one of these questions. Click for the answer.
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What was I smoking? Collard greens!

If the incredibly cheap and healthful collard green hasn't been part of your life, you just haven't been smoking the right stuff. Here are two delicious, aromatic Ways to light up this dark, leafy green. One vegan, one with bacon.
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Fish to fry

Cornmeal-Crusted Cod. Easy, foolproof. Turns out perfectly on the first try. A light cornmeal crust that's too thin to be crunchy, but it's crackling crisp. And it keeps the fish tender and juicy. Almost any fish: bass, trout or catfish will work just as well.
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Carrots: in the chips

'Tis the season for chips. Just-picked kale makes addictive kale chips. Just-dug potatoes make potato chips that make the bagged ones embarrassed. Last night my CSA farm share's beautiful, just-pulled carrots made these sweet, aromatic, crunchy, chewy carrot chips.
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Apple-A-Day: Sip slush, not juice

If you really rather drink your apple than bite it, make this Apple Slushy. Because when the juice manufacturers make "100%" juice, they remove a lot of the most important stuff. So you pay more for less. Don't do that. Do this.
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Crunchy Fall Farro Salad

This Fall's perfect all-in-one whole grain and seasonal vegetable salad. Loads of Vitamins A and C. Protein, too. Light, bright mustard-lemon dressing is great with the sweet beets and sharp radish. And it rubs off very well on the rich, nutty farro.
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Veal Milanese: Quarter-pounder & salad

Three things to know about this classic Italian dish. It's incredibly easy to make. A little goes a long way. It's a perfect example of eat-more-vegetables-and-less meat. A Wow of a meal for less than $10 and less than 10 minutes of preparation.
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Winter Squash & Pancetta Risotto

Luscious, creamy rice. Sweet squash and smoky pancetta roasting in the oven while you're stirring on the stovetop. Elegant and hearty for the first almost-cold night of Fall.
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Cauliflower Gratin

75 cents per serving of this luscious, impressive vegetable course. You'll be amazed you made it yourself. Easily. If you love cauliflower, you'll love it even more. If you're a cauliflower denier, this'll convert you to a lover.
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Home-Grown, Home-Roasted Salsa

You can grow tomatoes, peppers, cilantro and parsley in a single pot. Sure, it's a little crowded - but it grows well with six hours a day of summer sun. With global warming, it grows until November.
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