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Twofer Tuesday: Mac & Cheese Pizza

Started out as a quick, tongue-in-cheek dinner. Turned out to be an unusually luscious, even luxurious, pizza. At least the second best thing you'll put in your mouth all day. Hard to believe every pizzeria doesn't make this. But you can. Easily.
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Chocolate Banana Split Soda. Wow

Deeply flavorful, thoroughly refreshing and, yes, kinda sweet soda with a fraction of the sugar calories you'd get in a can of Coke. A low Glycemic Load soda where most of the sweetness comes from banana, not high fructose corn syrup.
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Low, slow & fresh: Spring Omelet

Another great reason to grow your own herbs, even if you only have a window sill. Transform a few great just-laid eggs from the Farmers Market with the vibrant flavors of everything fresh and just-picked. Doesn't matter which flavors. The more the merrier.
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The Year in the Kitchen 2021

Another year that began with a lot of time in the kitchen because home was the only place that offered indoor dining. So I went to Japan and the French Alps - in my kitchen.
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The Gift of Edible Fun

Pizza. The big cooking revelation. Watching flour and water become pizza dough. Watching pizza dough become a pizza crust. In your own oven. If I can do this, you and everyone you know can, too. And you probably don't know anybody who doesn't love pizza. It's Thoughtful Thursday, the first day of the always thoughtful BCS Gift Guide.
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The Gift of Revelation

Pizza. The big cooking revelation. Watching flour and water become pizza dough. Watching pizza dough become a pizza crust. In your own oven. If I can do this, you and everyone you know can, too. And you probably don't know anybody who doesn't love pizza. It's Thoughtful Thursday, the first day of the always thoughtful BCS Gift Guide.
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The End of Egg Foo-ey. Let’s Celebrate

So now it's OK to eat eggs, dietary cholesterol and all. Let's celebrate that and Chinese New Year. With Egg Foo Yung. A perfect meal in a pan. A few minutes of chopping, stirring and tending. One suspenseful second of flipping.
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Smart Resolution #2: Grow

My little lettuce patch on the kitchen counter is a source of great pleasure and satisfaction. When it's a source of salad, the salad delivers a a layer of satisfaction that's unique to eating something you've grown. Resolve now. Buy seeds soon. Plant later.
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Eating 2017: 80 Ways Around The World

80 Ways to eat very, very well. 80 recipes based on traditional cuisines around the globe. The world's greatest hits. From places and times that never heard of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease epidemics. If you missed out on some of these in 2017, well, it's almost time to make your resolutions for 2018. Bon voyage. Bon appétit.
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80 Ways: Morocco in your mouth. Yum.

80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Like this Moroccan chicken pie that delivers everything your mouth wants.
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