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80 Ways: Worldwide Chocolate:Cream Pie

80 recipes. Based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Lots of them have a third: chocolate. Which has a GL near zero.
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80 Ways: Chilaquiles Breakfast in Mexico

80 Ways to eat very well. 80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the world. From very different places with very different diets. But they all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Let's have breakfast in Mexico.
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Get dirty. Plant something.

It's time. March. Then April. Then the showers bring May flowers. And July tomatoes and herbs. I just picked the last leaves on last year's basil plant that's been withering on the kitchen windowsill. I'll plant this year's crop at the end of next month. C'mon, plant something.
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Bread&Breakfast: Bakin’ Bacon Cornbread

This is what you want in your oven on a winter weekend morning. A persuasive case for eating less meat and enjoying it more. Cornbread with a thin, crackling bacon-flavored crust around a soft, light, crumbly interior. Full of tiny, crunchy flecks of bacon. I could eat this every day.
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The Gift of Growing

Fresh herbs. They take so little. They give so much. Whether you're a veteran herb gardener or you can't remember the last time you touched actual soil, you should do this for yourself or someone you love. Because the growing is as good as the eating. And the eating's great.
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Roasted Pear-Maple Syrup Pudding Cake

Just in case its name doesn't say it all, let me tell you how thoroughly delicious this really is. Perfectly pure pear flavor, intensified by quick roasting. The deeply dark version of sweet from pure maple syrup. Big, mouth-filling flavor. Amazingly light but luxurious and rich.
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Mexican-Italian Pizza

A crisp-soft-firm-gooey "pizza" with all the flavors. Sweet, tart, nutty, earthy, creamy, mildly spicy. Wildly aromatic. 14 ounces of a great thing with just 310 calories and a Glycemic Load of 14. Gluten-free. This is a great meal.
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Better Cheaper Slimmer: One Day

Let's eat! Well. All day. Here are three days of meal options that add up to three very low-glycemic, low-calorie days. All delicious. Total satisfaction, no deprivation. Glycemic loads that don't add belly fat to your waistline.
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Belly Fat

I've been thinking about this a lot. Because I don't have much. And some very good friends have, well, a lot more. I'm not bragging or anything. I'm just saying, there's a Way to have less. So I'm trying to help them have less. Join us. Introducing: Better Cheaper Slimmer.
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