This is what I want the day after Thanksgiving. It's easy. It's mouth-and-soul-warming. It's got exotic flavors and aromas laced through a sweetly familiar, comfortable squash soup.
This could be your Thanksgiving dessert. Rich but not heavy. Satisfying and seductive, not Spartan. A fill-the-mouth and warm-the-soul fruit and cheese course.
Delicious and beautiful. 50 cents per serving. If a gratin sounds like something you shouldn't try to do at home by yourself, the sound's deceiving. Click. Tasting is believing.
For dinner. Shockingly delicious. The roasted garlic is a big part of it. But it's the combination with the dark, herbaceous kale that really surprised me. I don't know why this isn't a national dish somewhere. $3. Serves 6.
Apple-Cheddar-Bacon Bread Pudding. The perfect breakfast for a Slower Fall Saturday or Sunday. Smells as great as it tastes. Turns you whole home into an aromatherapy clinic while it's in the oven. $4. Serves 8 - 12.
There's a lesson here. The best homemade soup you can imagine. Best, not just Better. Seems like it's free. Cheaper than cheap. Five minutes to "make" it. Plenty of time to eat Slower tonight.
The light and lemony dressing is great with the nutty and kinda rich, high-protein whole grain. And that's all terrific with the roasted greens: kale and Brussels sprouts. And all that's made even Better by the slightly salty and deeply flavorful cheese.
Definitely a treat. Light, crisp, delicious. Salty or sweet. Sprinkle a little cinnamon on them and they taste like pumpkin pie. The trick: make them with butternut squash. Works better than pumpkin.
50 cents per serving for a deeply flavorful, sweet and savory dish. Totally satisfying. Your daily Vitamin A requirement and a lot of Vitamin C for 30 calories. Serve it with polenta or farro and make a meal out of it.