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Stone Fruit Pizza Pie

Sounds like the ultimate solution for the age-old problem of the stoned munchies. But, really, I was just thinking about what to do with the season's last batch of peaches, plums and nectarines. This made a perfect brunch.
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A Week’s Worth of Romesco

$2 for a batch of sauce that makes a week's worth of savory dishes, well, a lot more savory. 16 cents per tablespoon. That's enough to elevate a sandwich to greatness. Make the whole batch in less than 15 minutes.
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Fall Fruit Ceviche. Tuna optional.

Less than $1 per huge serving of the Fall harvest quickly transformed to a sweet and spicy salad. An intensely flavorful Way to lighten up a rich meal. Or to build a light, refreshing one.
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The best sandwich of the month

A spinach-feta omelet on challah toast dressed with romesco sauce is completely delicious. A meal-in-a-sandwich for ten minutes in the kitchen and less than two dollars.
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Any time. Any day. Stuffed French Toast.

Breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner. This is totally delicious. $1.50 for one. And one's a complete meal. The toast is soft and fluffy. The cheese is rich and slightly salty. The pears are caramelized and sweet. Try to eat Slowly.
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Garden Watch: Roasted Salsa

You can grow tomatoes, peppers, cilantro and parsley in a single pot. Sure, it's a little crowded - but the stuff actually grows well with six hours a day of summer sun. When summer's gone, time to harvest and roast.
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Garden Watch: Pesto Time

The summer garden's disappearing fast, so it's time for the next-best thing. Fresh frozen pesto. Brightens up the winter. Let's you re-live the summer, a meal at a time. Great return on investment: grow it for five months, eat it for twelve. For $5. Freeze now, smile later.
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Skirt Steak Tacos

Big flavor bang for the buck. Twice the steak and half the price of a Taco Bell. Perfect example of Better is Cheaper. Deeply flavorful steak. Rich but light sauce. Light, bright lime-sauteed onions. For one dollar.
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Challah. Bread with a hairdo.

A huge, beautiful braided loaf of bread that's light but rich. Moist and slightly chewy. Golden and glossy. At least 30 big, thick slices. For $2.50.
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Romesco on everything

In Spain, it goes on vegetables, meat, chicken and fish. It's a full-bandwidth sauce. A huge range of flavors spreading across your tongue. Deep flavors that make you pay attention and eat Slower. Mild or spicy. Your choice.
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