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Good morning

Seems like morning's the good time to exercise. The best time. Now there are some interesting clinical and survey results that explain the benefits. Especially if you exercise to lose weight and, specifically, to burn fat.n
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Melon-Prosciutto Salad. Melon two Ways.

It's a salad. It's a prosciutto and melon course. It's a fruit salad. It's a first course. It's a side course. It's a main course. Whichever Way you go, you'll put it together in less than 10 minutes.
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Summer in Spain Tomato Soup

80 cents for the best bowl of tomato soup you've ever had. A bowl that's got 43% of your day's Vitamin C and 82% of your Vitamin A. A low, low, low Glycemic Load of 2.5. Zero sugar. Nothing but fresh, ripe vegetables.
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Is chard the new tortilla?

These big, substantial leaves make a great wrapper. You just have to steam them first so they're flexible and durable. Like tortillas. Delicious, easy and calorie-free. Especially with swordfish and salsa verde inside.
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Banana & Strawberry. Soda. No sodium.

Back in the BCS Soda Lab again. Looking for a delicious all-natural soda with no sodium. And a lot of potassium. For Julia's niece. Because her medical condition requires this. Here it is. If your only requirement is great flavor, this one's for you, too.
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Waste not, want not. Pickle your rind.

I'd eat watermelon all Summer even if it wasn't the Cheapest fruit around. Which leaves me with a lot of watermelon rind. Perfect for pickling. Intense, crunchy sweet-sour pickles that elevate the flavor status of all sorts of meats, salads and cocktails.
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Zucchini Fritti

$1 for a plate of fried zucchini that's enough to start for a table of four. Crispy outside. Soft and warm inside. Not oily. Delicious. Gone in seconds.
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Peach Pops

Really ripe peaches. So sweet you won't even think about adding sugar. A deeply sweet and wonderfully refreshing Way to end a meal on a hot day. Or to start a hot Summer day. Lick your breakfast.
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Eggplant Caponata. Really big flavor.

I thought this would be a great Summer vegetable dish to have with grilled chicken or tuna. Or hot dogs. And it is. But it's so flavorful you can build a meal around it. Have it with a simple salad. Toss it with pasta. Spread it on grilled bread.
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Looks too good to eat. For two seconds.

Summer squash and tomatoes on a big, crisp pizza crust. Looks beautiful. Tastes even Better. Maybe the best good lookin' pizza ever. For $2. Required kitchen skills: stirring, slicing.
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