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Garden Watch: First Day of Summer

On the first day of summer, my corn stalks sprouted tassels. Tiny green tomatoes are hanging everywhere. The beanstalk's outgrown its trellis, so beans aren't far away. For those who prefer to just watch, the day lilies are popping.
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Salt. Cabbage. Massage. Sauerkraut.

Massage cabbage with salt for a few minutes. Get the best sauerkraut you ever had. Come Fourth of July, your hot dog's gonna be thrilled to be covered with this. You'll be even happier. Even if you think you don't like sauerkraut, good chance you'll like this.
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I lose 5 lbs. in June. It’s the lettuce.

Every June. I lose five pounds. I don't try to. It's all the shockingly flavorful greens we get when our CSA farm share kicks in. There's not much room left on the plate for everything else. So you eat a lot less of the high-calorie stuff. And you get inventive with lettuce.
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Lettuce Soup. Cool.

A salad cross-dressing as a soup. Lettuce and herbs with milk. Amazing how flavorful it is. 96 degrees when I made this perfect cool, light meal. Better. Cheaper. Chilled. No oven, no stove, no sweat. Use a food processor and get it done in three minutes. Less than $1 per serving.
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Strawberry-Rhubarb Popsicles

Tart rhubarb. Really ripe strawberries. So sweet you won't even think about adding sugar. A deeply sweet and wonderfully refreshing Way to end a meal on a hot day.
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Garden Watch: Strawberry Shortcake

Nothing better than a handful of fresh strawberries, with the possible exception of Strawberry Shortcake. You can make the shortcake biscuit dough in five minutes flat. Seven to ten minutes in a 450-degree oven and you've got a killer dessert for $1.
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How to Cook a Wolf

Nope, not a cooking technique or a recipe. The wolf is the wolf at the door. M.F.K. Fisher wrote How To Cook A Wolf at the tail end of the last Depression. The wolf was hunger. Or, more generally, scarcity. Or just anxiety about scarcity. Something that's very right now for a lot of people, don't you think?
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How to Grill a Wild Salmon

I love wild salmon. I really love it grilled. But there was always this problem: when you flip a filet over on the side without skin, a lot of the salmon sticks to the grill. Wastes salmon. Looks ugly. Here's the solution.
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Poached egg on asparagus. Let it flow.

With basil dressing. Wow, this was delicious. Luxurious in your mouth. When your fork hits the egg, the yolk runs into the basil and magically makes a rich but light and bright sauce for the asparagus. Ten minutes to prepare. $2.50 per serving.
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Strawberry Rhubarb French Toast

Started life as a hamburger bun. Found its true calling in a pan. This light, bright zero-sugar-but-nice-and-sweet fruit glaze and puree is fantastic with the luxurious souffle-like toast. Less than a buck for a great little breakfast.
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