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Happy Home Farming Day

Good timing. Because you have to get started during the next couple of weeks if you want to eat like a home farmer in a couple of months. The ripest, freshest, tastiest and sweetest. A totally hands-on experience: appreciate something very simple and unimaginably complicated.
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Chocolate-Cherry Bread Pudding

Takes about 10 minutes of preparation. Takes another twenty minutes before your home begins to smell like chocolate bread pudding. Which I now believe is the way every home wants to smell. Making this is easy. Waiting for it to bake is tough.
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Peanut Butter & Grape Bread

Not a joke. This is profoundly great bread. Without kneading dough. Really. No kneading. Just 30 seconds of stirring. Because sometimes you just feel like eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When you're out hiking. Melts in your mouth, not your backpack.
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Fresh Favas. Complete Protein Taco.

Must be Spring. Fresh fava beans at the Farmers Market. They're bright green, they're tender, they're slightly sweet. And preparing them is really Slow. But I think it's worth it. At least once or twice a year. Great for Complete Protein Tacos.
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Any-Temperature Farro Salad

OK, here it is. A perfect way to get one of those perfectly healthy meals into your diet. A high-protein whole grain with lightly cooked vegetables. Make it in 15 minutes. Light, bright, satisfying meal with a big range of fresh flavors. Five dollars for two, plus leftovers.
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Olive Oil-Lemon Cake

Hard to say if this is better for breakfast or for dessert. Depends if you want ice cream with it. Either way, it's a light, moist and refreshing cake. Very intense lemon flavor makes it vibrant. Olive oil keeps it moist and light. Ten minutes to prepare.
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Corn, tomatoes, optimism and impatience

Cheap, easy and convincing preview of summer in your mouth. Sweet corn grits cakes: soft and warm inside, crispy around the edges. Fifteen cents each. Top with darn good, not-quite-local tomatoes. Some Spring onions and fresh herbs. A quick trip to summer.
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All-Weather Fish Tacos

It's officially Spring. I want to cook outdoors. But it was raining, sleeting and hailing. So I sliced the fish into small-bite-sized pieces and put them in a pan with four tablespoons of my salsa verde. Five minutes later, a wonderfully satisfying and intensely flavorful meal.
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Bread & Breakfast: Chocolate & Cherries

When life hands you a bowl of cherries, you should make chocolate bread. Even if nobody hands over the cherries and you've never made bread, you should do this. Shows you how easy it is to make great bread. And gives you one of the most delicious breakfasts you'll ever eat.
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No pepperoni. Chorizo.

An almost classic pizza with a Spanish accent. The sweet fruitiness of the Italian tomato paste blends perfectly with the light, bright, tart and spicy salsa verde. Great on top of bubbling mozzarella. And beneath the thinnest slices of the great Spanish chorizo sausage.
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