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Velvet Butter Sage Sauce

Delicious. Takes about three minutes. The ingredients: water, butter, sage (or any other fresh herb). Grow your own herbs, don't use too much butter - it's Cheap. It's Better than any melted butter thing you've ever done.
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Apple-a-Day: Apple-Cheddar Pizza Pie

I got a huge bag of apples in my CSA farm share this week, so I'm making an Apple-Cheddar Pizza. Apples are everywhere now - at the seasonal peak flavors and seasonal low prices. Hit the Farmers Market, get some apples and try this for brunch. Or breakfast. Or lunch. Or dinner.
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The Island of Potato Marco Canora’s Gnocchi

It's the ultimate Better Cheaper Slower food. Two really Cheap ingredients: flour and potato. Better than any pasta or potato dish I've ever had. When you make it yourself, when you really get it right, you'll be so amazed by every bite you'll eat very Slowly.
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Ripe and tasty: squash in soffrito

Squash is everywhere and really cheap right now. Acorn squash, butternut squash, Hubbards, pumpkins. All very cool looking. Especially the Delicata, and it's easy to peel. Even easier to cook if you made a batch of soffrito.
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Bulb Time

If you have space, make time. To buy and plant some bulbs during the next few weeks. It's now ... or a year from now. Tulips, irises, lilies, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses. All those things that just pop up right on time every year to let you know the natural world still works.
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Apple-A-Day: Maple Syrup & Bacon

I don't know about you, but I'm eating a lot of great apples these days. Usually I just pick one up and take a bite. But sometimes I want it to be more like a meal, a real dish. Yesterday, a maple syrup-baked apple with bacon did the trick. Great for breakfast, brunch or lunch.
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Flash Roasted Kale Chips

So quick and easy there's no recipe. So tasty they're addictive. So cheap you can afford to eat them until you just can't eat any more. Near zero calories. They look really cool: dark green with ruffled golden brown edges. They're what kale always wanted to be.
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Soffrito makes it better

You can learn to do this at any age, whether or not you have an Italian grandmother. Make a week's worth of this stuff and eat better for a week. Then do it again next week.
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Apple-a-Day: Candy Apple Soda Pop

Back in the BCS Soda Lab again. Trying out the Fall flavors this time. Still looking for that magic flavor combination that will convert each and every cola addict of every age to a healthy soda pop drinker. So I baked an apple.
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Apple-a-Day: Stuff with cheddar. Bake.

I'm baking a cheddar-stuffed apple. Like me, you probably think of baked apples as sweet things, maybe with cream poured all over it. But try this for lunch or brunch or breakfast some day. Spread it on a slice of whole wheat toast. Yum.
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