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Ripe Now: Potatoes. Potatoes? Ripe? Yup.

Until I had my first truly farm-fresh, just-dug potatoes last fall, I didn't realize how flavorful and creamy a potato could be. I mean straight. No cream, no milk, no butter, no mayonnaise. Just the potato. Until I made my own potato salad with them, I never had the perfect potato salad. This is it.
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A Fig Pizza Tree Grows in Brooklyn

A beautiful, aromatic and wildly yummy pizza inspired by a gift of homemade fig jam. A deliriously delicious brunch for two - for less than two dollars. I'd eat this for breakfast, lunch or dessert any day.
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A good egg

Better Cheaper: pay a little more per egg, eliminate the hospitalization costs. Here's a great dish I made with remarkably flavorful organic spinach from my CSA farm share and beautiful eggs from the Farmers Market.
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Grate Stuff: Chicken Salad & Squash Slaw

My grater's a great thing - not just for cheese anymore. Here's a $5, 15-minute dinner for two that's beautiful, fresh, deeply flavorful and satisfying. That's 15 minutes to prepare it. You eat it very slowly. With deep appreciation.
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Ripe Now: Carrots and Plums for the Jewish New Year

Yesterday's CSA Farm Share included the first carrots of the season. Not to mention apples, pears and plums. So it must be time to make tsimmes, a root vegetable and fruit stew that's a traditional dish during the Jewish New Year.
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Chicken — don’t be one, roast one

This is a recipe for great garlic & herb-roasted chicken and vegetables. It's also the story of how I got over sticking my fingers inside a raw chicken and discovered I could cook stuff I never thought I could. If I can do this ...
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Grate Tomatoes Three Ways

Use a grater to make this fresh tomato sauce that's perfect for ripe and beyond-ripe late summer tomatoes. No peeling, chopping, or slicing. My friend, Colleen, learned this in a cooking class in Morocco. I'm really sorry I missed it, but I'm grateful to her for telling me how to make this 15-minute, 1 grater, 1 pan sauce.
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Grilled Sweet & Spicy Pepper Salad

Peppers everywhere. Every color, size and shape. Good supply, low prices. If you're firing up the grill this weekend, here's a light and really flavorful salad that goes with just about everything.
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Soda Pop: Watermelon-Lime-Mint

Mix up these thoroughly healthy and flavorful ingredients; squirt in some of the bubbly water you just made. You get a better, cheaper soda that's great with chips and anything off the grill. Today I'm mixing watermelon, lime and mint to make a soda inspired by a fruit ceviche. Chili pepper optional.
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