Today's Way is all about your flexibility. Total flexibility from a 10-minute stretching routine that combines simple, gentle Ways to keep you loose and comfortable all day.
All the Way around. Unobstructed views of this spectacularly beautiful alpine lake almost all the Way around it. Partial views through beautiful trees the rest of the Way.
A 3-minute exercise to strengthen the muscles you use to balance yourself and stay on your feet - while you strengthen all your leg muscles. Pretty great for just three minutes.
Take a walk in the woods right now and exercise your eyeballs. Underfoot and overhead, it’s Fall Foliage time. Screaming bright colors in and around New York City, so I just hit a nearby section of the Appalachian Trail. Right now, it'll transport you in Ways that are beyond the geographic.
Practice one of these 1-minute Moves every hour or two and you'll be and feel Way Better for it. Because even if you exercise vigorously for an hour five times a week, too much sitting still significantly increases your risk of all those things you exercise to avoid. C'mon, take a minute.
Roll up one for a flu shot? Or both and get some exercise? Revving up your heart rate during aerobic exercise also revs up your immune response. So exercise is probably your best bet for reducing sick time throughout the Fall-Winter cold season and the rest of the year. But get that flu shot, too.
This Sunday 50,000 people will run along 26.2 miles of New York streets. I won't be one of them. Because they never stop to eat. No, if I'm going to cruise through that much of my hometown, I'm going to stop at a few of our 5,000 restaurants to restore some of the calories I'm burning. I'd do it this Way.
Let's start the week loose. Comfortable. Flexible. Because flexible muscles make everything easier and less tiring. Today's Way'll relax and stretch your back and abdominal muscles. Make them feel and function better.
You can walk through the town of Half Moon Bay, wander in pumpkin patches and stroll along a big stretch of beach. All in a two-hour walk. Or you can do the four-hour version, burn 1,200 calories and enter the pumpkin pie-eating contest.
Today we have a simple, gentle one-minute Way to improve your health. C'mon, by the time you finish reading this Way, you'll probably finish today's healthy exercise.