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10 miles, 1,000 species

Walking through the rainforest in Manuel Antonio National Park is an extreme version of changing your perspective. With or without a guide, you learn to look and listen so carefully it's like you've acquired some completely new power of observation. I'm going to try this in Central Park.
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Your Monday #1: Standing Room Only

Like all first-Mondays-of-the-month that don't come with New Year's hangovers, today's comes with a simple, gentle one-minute Way to improve your health. Get up! C'mon, you can read standing up. By the time you finish reading this, you're done with the first rep of today's healthy exercise.
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Warm Winter Hiking: Three Magical Miles

I was thinking about the totally weird and beautiful skyline of New Mexico's Tent Rocks while I walked down the suddenly deserted Park Avenue canyon last week. The wind chill was below zero. I was the only human. A landscape I take for granted became a new world. I wonder if the Cochiti Indians notice these Tent Rocks.
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The Walk That Ate Bethlehem

It always sounded like such a long Way to walk, Jerusalem to Bethlehem. I imagined vast stretches of desert. No roads. No signs. Just the star. No Google Maps to tell them the trek's just seven miles. I could do that on Christmas. You, too.
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A human trapped inside the body of …

... a human. We're still human after all these years. So your body still expects to you to get up and move like your ancestors did for tens of thousands of years. If you don't, it's the age of overweight, obesity, diabetes, heart disease. Here's how to avoid that age.
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Don’t Fall Fall: Hands & knees, please

A 1-minute exercise that really makes you aware of the Way you use your core muscles to stabilize and balance yourself. To maintain your center of balance when your arms and legs are going their own ways. Spinal Balance is a great Way to strengthen and stretch all those muscles.
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The Walk That Ate Telluride

This place is so spectacularly beautiful you should eat your organic smoothies, tacos and ice cream outdoors. While you stare at the dramatically close mountains and waterfalls. if you came for the pot, you should stay for the walk.
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Don’t Fall Fall: Knees up. One at a time

A 3-minute exercise to strengthen the muscles you use to stay on your feet. To train them to react fast. So when you step onto an uneven, slippery or unstable surface that makes you begin to lose your balance - you'll immediately regain it. An exercise for all seasons.
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Mild. Near the Appalachian Trail.

If three wild months and 1,000 tortured miles on the Pacific Crest Trail isn't your speed, here's a lovely walk for you. Around Benedict's Pond. About the same size as Walden Pond, but not nearly so famous. Connects with the Appalachian Trail.
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