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VOTE! Then, try talking to yourself

Your exercise dreams may come true. If you can believe this study: "Talking Yourself out of Exhaustion: The Effects of Self-Talk on Endurance Performance". Really. It appears that feeling of exhaustion is in your head, not your muscles. This is worth reading. AFTER you vote. Because you won't be able to talk yourself out of four more years of Republican catastrophes.
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Don’t Fall Fall: Flex Those Hips

You could slip, trip or otherwise sprain an ankle or end up on your butt later today. And off both feet for six to eight weeks. So take a minute to consider two minutes a day of Balance Training. One leg at a time. Just Press Play.
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Tricky Treat Walk To A Calorie Deficit

Capri is a very vertical island. One that separates the Walkers from the passengers. The trick is: walk everywhere. Because you'll burn way more calories than you consume. And this is Italy. There are a lot of consumption opportunities. Treats everywhere.
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Don’t Fall Fall: It’s about your balance

After all your Summer Stretches, you should be totally flexible and ready to take on Don't Fall Fall. A season of simple, easy exercises to keep you well balanced. And on your feet. So when you begin to lose your balance - you'll immediately regain it.
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Wyoming Lakes: To Stroll or To Hike?

Here in Grand Teton National Park, a 4-mile stroll or a 9-mile hike brings you to the shores of Taggart and Bradley Lakes. Stunning lakeside views at the foot of the very dramatic Teton Range. Why are lakes such great destinations for hikers and strollers? Here's why.
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Small butt. Big gut. Look out.

Visceral fat. The fat that deposits itself between and around your abdominal organs. Not the shallow, pinchable "subcutaneous" fat below your skin. The Deep Dangerous Fat. Let's make withdrawals, not deposits. More aerobic exercise time, less couch time.
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Chicago: All Walking & Eating, No Wind

Chicago's a great Walking city. Especially in Autumn. Before the freezing winter winds blow in off the Lake. Here's a 12.5-mile Loop, 5 or 6 hours. Either Way, you'll burn about 1,500 calories. So the big question is where to eat. I'll point out some favorites along the Way that are great values.
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Naked Exercise #11: No-Rope Jump Rope

Stripped down. No equipment. No rope. Great for lower body strength and muscle tone. And a terrific balance and cardio exercise, too. Not just Better and Cheaper. Better and Free. All you need's a floor.
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Walk & Eat: NY’s High Line & Greenmarket

Five miles to remind you Manhattan's an island- surrounded by farms. Unless you're on its shoreline, you feel like you're smack in the middle of the city. Unless you're on The High Line, you're on the sidewalk. Here's a refreshing new point of view. With great food. Walk this Way and burn more calories than you swallow.
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Naked Exercise #10: Reverse Planks

Stripped down. No equipment. No exercise balls, no balance boards, no weights. Strengthen your shoulders, triceps, quadriceps and back and abdominal muscles. In a minute or two. Not just Better and Cheaper. Better and Free. Press Play.
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