Better at exercising in the Living Room. Where it's convenient. And free. No equipment or Spandex required. No excuses. Burn 300 calories in 30 minutes.
Amaze yourself. Once a month. Outdoors. This is a great new habit to create. A monthly high that'll turn into a weekly high because it's so good you'll actually want to do it every day. Here's how to kickstart the habit.
Probably slept late this morning, huh? So this might be a good time to think about sleep. More than 75% of us think poor sleep causes health problems. More than 25% of us report being frequently too sleep-deprived to have sex. I think this calls for a resolution.
Get loose. Comfortable. Flexible. This is one big stretch. Stretches everything. Your hips. Your hamstrings and calves. Your shoulders and chest. It'll improve your flexibility everywhere.
Skiing's all about balance, flexibility, strength and stamina. Just like life. This is the Way to remain upright whether or not you're on skis. A 7-minute daily routine to improve it all - right where it counts.
OK, it's not really a test. More like a quick online survey. It's called "How Fit Are You Really?" It's all about your Cardio-Respiratory Fitness level. Which the American Heart Association now says should be regarded as a "vital sign", just like blood pressure. And should be part of your regular physical exam.
I love to walk around great old cities. Yeah, no patience for sitting. But sometimes you just have to change your point of view. To get the best view. C'mon, hop in, put up your feet and float through Amsterdam.
Pretty balmy here at sea level. You wake up to tropical birds. You look through palms to the Pacific. You look up to the summit of Mauna Kea. To see that while you were sleeping ... it snowed. A lot. Surfing seems so yesterday. Skiing seems so today.
Roll up one for a flu shot? Or both and get some exercise? Revving up your heart rate during aerobic exercise also revs up your immune response. So exercise is probably your best bet for reducing sick time throughout the Fall-Winter cold season and the rest of the year.
For all those quick outdoor chores that demand something on your feet but don't require the whole socks-and-shoes treatment. The perfect outdoor slippers. For the quickie dog walk or taking-out-the-garbage. One for summer; one for winter.