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Living Room Aerobics: Walking in place

Your place. A brisk 30-minute walk in 3 square feet. Actual aerobic exercise. You get your heart rate up. You breathe hard. You sweat. You burn calories. You don't need tights or leg warmers. Step on it.
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Living Room Aerobics: The New You Math

The Aerobics Math: How many miles plus how much exercise time subtracts how much belly fat? It's not rocket science, but I think it'll help you make sense of making an aerobic exercise schedule that works for you.
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You Are What You’re Near

If you spend a good amount of time in or near green environments, you're probably healthier than someone who doesn't. If you spend time near water, you're probably happier than someone who doesn't. Here's why.
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80 Ways: Walk and Eat the 5th Century

In Mexico. Back in the 5th century, this was quite the place to live. And eat. And climb pyramids. I've been making some great dishes that come from this time and place. The culture that gave us one of the original and tastiest low Glycemic Load diets. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
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Don’t Just Sit There. At any age.

If you sit at a desk or in front of the TV for long stretches of time, it's time to change your behavior. I'll deliver the latest bad news to bring you to the edge of your seat and then scare you right out of it. But first, the good news.n
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The Year on the Sidwewalk: 2016

When I looked down between my feet, I realized I was stepping on stones that humans have been stepping on for about a thousand years. Because this year I found myself in medieval towns in Italy, Spain and Portugal. Mine was another pair of feet adding its tiny amount of wear and tear. But these stones should be good for at least another thousand New Years.
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Boxing Day. Take the gloves off.

The good news: no more shopping, choosing and wrapping. So let's box - without gloves. Without a ring. No opponent. But with a lot of the exercise benefits of the real deal. C'mon, you could use this after yesterday's bout of eating.
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The BCS Gift Guide: Comfort for the 99%

Just to be clear, I'm talking about 99% of the time. Not the 1% of the time you really pay attention to comfort because you know there's the possibility of extreme discomfort. This is what you want on your feet 99% of the time.
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Faster Sunday: This is amazing

I have seen the future. And it doesn't stop to buffer. The Portal WiFi Router actually cranks up the speed of your home WiFi network by a factor of three or more. Seriously, 3X faster downloads, uploads and video streams. Let me explain.
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