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Living Room Olympics: Your 16 Minutes

For Olympians, it's 16 days every four years. For us: how about 16 minutes every day? Improve your balance and flexibility. Get stronger. And burn 100 calories every day. That's enough to keep most of us from gaining weight. Forever.
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The Walk That Ate The London Games

It's always been a great walking city. Four years ago, it was a great running, jumping, swimming and swinging city. Of course, they ran the 26.2-mile marathon here. In a little over 2 hours. If we start today, we'll beat them all. Let the Walking & Eating Begin!
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Treadmill Trails. The App.

You can e-mail me here. Take a 30-minute vacation on your treadmill, bike, elliptical or step deck. Or right on the living room floor - no treadmill required. Walk, run or cycle along beautiful trails in Hawaii, in National Parks,…

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Stronger Monday: A minute for your hips

If you want to increase your leg strength before you start a jogging or running program, today's Hip Flexion is a great Way. It'll strengthen your hip flexors and your quadriceps. Before you ask them to go the extra mile on the treadmill or out on the street. No weight machine necessary. Just a featherweight resistance tube.
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Walk & Eat in Super Bowl San Francisco

The perfectly balanced diet of champions: burn as many calories as you consume while you sightsee and taste the town. If you've never spent a whole day walking, well, think of it as a whole day of eating with beautiful walks in between meals.
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Your Monday#52: Better Slower Cheapskate

I'm delighted to use the year's final Monday to pass on a great idea from a BCS subscriber, the self-described Better Slower Cheapskate. That person who came up with what might be the Better Cheaper Way for you to keep a New Year's resolution in 2016.
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Better Cheaper Warmer Gifts

Here's a little yarn about a real breakthrough in ... yarn. Merino wool garments that are just Better than the stuff I've always been happy to wear in cold weather. Cheaper, too. Thin, fine, stretchy and light. Unusually smooth and supple. Really comfy. Amazingly warm.
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Bonus Edition

Wearable technology that's very cool. Very useful. Very good looking, comfortable and weather-protective, too. And it might save your life. Or the life of someone you love who’s getting this as a Christmas gift from you. This is NOT a wristband.
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