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The Walk That Ate Chocolate Easter Eggs

Central Park's official Easter Egg Hunt is now a thing of the past. But I've got a wonderful alternative. A beautiful walk in the Park with a detour to the best chocolate Easter eggs in town. A great all-morning walk that'll burn more calories than you eat before, during and after it.
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Cheap Date: May I have this dance?

After you feed your honey Balsamic Caviar and Strawberries. And after you ask the question of the day, will you be my Valentine? Ask another. Wanna dance? Here's my Valentine's Day Playlist.
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Fountain of Youth: Standing Room Only

Whatever you do, don't sit down. The evidence keeps piling up: stand up and move if you want to live longer. Or just stand up and don't move. Even more interesting: Baby Boomers who keep exercising show specific physiological signs of staying young. Short summaries of three recent studies.
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The Year on the Trail: 2014

A great year in wonderful places with wildly different end-of-the-trail destinations. Only one Way to get there. Put your best feet forward until you arrive at the jaw-dropping spot. Make the resolution: be in shape for more trails in 2015. Press Play for Persuasion.
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Your Holiday Pace

I'm gonna have a little more to walk off this week than usual. If that sounds like something you might do this holiday season, here's something you might like to know about the ideal walking-it-off pace. That "brisk" pace.
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The Gift: A Little Walking Music, please

Because it helps make my time on the treadmill fly by in no time. Whether I'm walking or running, I'm having more fun when I'm doing it with the Rolling Stones. And I'm having the most fun when my music sounds great. Here are the great Ways to great sound.
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The Gift Fit For A Walking. And a Winner

If knowledge is power, a fitness-tracking wristband should make one powerful gift. For yourself. And anybody else who's motivated by information. Like the winner of our Win-A-Fitness-Tracker Contest. Read the winning entry here.
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Every Move You Make: Tracking Fitness

If you really want to learn something new every day, strap on one of those new fitness trackers. You know, those black wristbands that people wear to learn how much, or how little, they walk each day. I just wore three of them nearly 24/7 for a week. Here's what I learned.
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Come Run With Me. More or less.

I ran in Central Park for 30 years. For the last 10, I've been doing it on a treadmill in the comfort and privacy of my home. Now I'm going public, and I'd love it if you'd join me. Here's my training program and your invitation. Run or walk. Either Way's good.
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