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White Pine Lake. Are we there yet?

5 miles out and 2,400' up the trail. It's beautiful. It's serene. Your mouth hangs wide open for a full 30 seconds. Transparent pale blue water with a red rock background. You burned 1,000 calories. Now find a big rock. Sit. Contemplate.
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My vacation high

Way up in the Teton Range. One of those hikes that makes your day. Makes your vacation. Makes IMAX look like a postcard. Ten miles out and back. Six thousand feet up and down. 4,000 calories burned. Or take an early fork in the trail for a great walk around two pristine lakes.
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Higher ground, lower temperature

July 11, 2014. Down there where my feet hit the sidewalk, it's hot. Very hot. But up here in my mind, I'm making snowballs. I'm imagining the coolest hike in Hawai'i. Hawai'i?Sure, it's pretty balmy down at sea level. You…

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Sunny, with a chance of Vitamin D

What a deal. Sunlight's free and you don't even have to strap a solar panel to your back to use it. Just take off your shirt. Or your pants. Because your skin synthesizes Vitamin D when it's exposed to sunlight. Oh, by the Way, you're probably Vitamin D-deficient.
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Movin’ Groovin’ Monday: Down South

While I was in the kitchen stirring grits and pulling pork for this week's recipes, my toes were tapping and my hips were shaking to these all-time great dance tunes made in Memphis. If getting motivated to exercise is a problem, here's my solution: music you can't not dance to.
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Vacation Plan: Yellowstone Trail Mix

It's U. S. National Park Week. If you can't get away this week, you can dream and plan. Start with Yellowstone. Scores of trails. Mountains, canyons, rivers, forests, meadows, plains, geysers and buffalo.
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Free your toes, free your mind.

If you've been avoiding adventurous trails for fear of falling or tiring, you should try these new-style shoes. They've made me very, very sure-footed. Balanced and steady on any terrain. Comfortable and carefree.
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The Walk That Ate The Paradox

The “French paradox”: How can they eat all that rich food and drink all that wine -- and have dramatically lower rates of obesity, heart disease and diabetes than Americans? Maybe it's the low glycemic load of all that traditional food and wine.
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Moving Monday: Dance Crazed

10 Tunes designed for dancing. 30 Minutes. 220 calories. If you have trouble getting motivated to exercise, I have a modest suggestion. Put on some music that you can't not dance to. This is aerobic. Dress or undress appropriately. Then crank up the tunes.
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Balanced Monday: Still Standing

After my annual ski trip. Six great days. Just two small falls. All the credit goes to this 7-minute daily routine. It'll improve your balance, flexibility and strength - right where it counts.
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