You could slip, trip or otherwise sprain an ankle or end up on your butt later today. So take a minute to consider three minutes a day of Balance Training. One leg at a time.
Don't just sit there and watch the Games. Let's box - without gloves. Without a ring. No opponent. But with a lot of the exercise benefits of the real deal.
The good news: you didn't qualify for the team. So let's just go for a swim - without a pool. Without water. But with a lot of the exercise benefits of real swimming. Just you. Face down on the floor. Press Play for your swimming lesson.
If you're thinking of climbing Kilimanjaro, well, you can! I speak from experience. As time passed, I've be more inclined to overlook the really difficult stuff and remember only the glorious stuff. This was my personal Olympics. Here's a brief illustrated diary of the biggest freakin' hike I ever took.
Let's start the week loose. Comfortable. Flexible. Because flexible muscles make everything easier and less tiring. Today's Way'll relax and stretch your calves. Make them feel and function better.
First time I hiked up above Moraine Lake I was a college kid. It was the summer of 1969 or '70. My first mountain hiking. My first glacier viewing. Cool. No training or preparation. Just hit the trail. Now I wondered how the old bones would feel on the same old trail to a a very cool and profoundly beautiful place.
Today's Way comes with a simple, gentle one-minute Way to improve your health. Get up! C'mon, you can read standing up. By the time you finish reading this Way, you'll probably finish today's healthy better-posture exercise.
If you live on or near the East Coast of the United States, you're probably not far from the historic Appalachian Trail. From Georgia to Maine, this 2050-mile National Scenic Trail winds along the backbone of the Appalachian Mountain Range. Here in western Massachusetts, they call their section of the range The Berkshires.