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Slower Sunday: Singleminded

I think this'll get your full attention. Really clear your mind for a Slower Sunday. Press Play and watch a hive mind at work. A nest mind. A single mind, with many bodies. Then relax, knowing that so many are taking care of business while you rest.
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Slower Sunday: Both sides now.

I know I shouldn't get too close to the edge up here. But that's where the view is. You don't really get to see down the canyon unless you go over to the edge. Press Play. Have a slowly exciting Sunday.
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Slower Sunday: The Chicken Comes First

Then the egg. Boil the stock. Then slowly, very slowly, drizzle in the egg. Gaze into the pot. This has to be the most entertaining bowl of soup around. Press Play for a little Sunday Psychedelia. A Chinese New Year flashback.
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Slower Sunday: Big, hot and steamy

I'm not talking about that Mary J. Blige half time show a few years ago. I'm talking about Poas. The old volcano everyone knows by its first name. At the center of Costa Rica. So big you could put five stadiums in its crater. A real force of nature.
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Slower Sunday: Clear sign

Don't bother looking for a trailhead marker for that waterfall they say's a mile or so down the beach. Press Play for a one-minute vacation from too much signage and not enough beauty.
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Slower Sunday: Off the hook

No cell phone service out here. No internet. No email or Facebook. Imagine. The big disconnect. You're off the hook. Couldn't send a cell phone picture of this. Not right then. So just be here. Or there. Now. Press Play.
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Slower Sunday: Awesome

This place is truly awesome. Not like, hey dude, your new surfboard is really awesome. No, I mean awesome in the original and profound sense of being in a state of awe.
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Cup O’ Kindness

C'mon, you know the tune. Sing along. Out loud. Or to yourself. Of course, it's meant for out loud group singing. With friends who won't be forgotten. Especially if you stay in touch with them. Which isn't as Yogi Berra-like as it sounds.
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