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Slower Sunday: Out of the Wild

The wildflowers of Utah. I saw them all out there last year. Carpets of them, right up to the edge of every hiking trail. But you don't usually see them around here.
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Slower Sunday: Sticking It In Your Ear

You probably haven't done this for a while. And you probably can't do it right now, wherever you are. Unless you're at the beach. So Press Play. And remember the first time you tried this. It's still cool. Happy Sunday.
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Slower Sunday: Fathers and sons

They teach you to throw. They teach you to catch. You learn that what goes up, comes back down. You learn there's a lot to learn. Might be a good day to go out and play catch. Never know what you might learn.
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Slower Sunday: Bend over and sniff

Hard not to stop, bend over and sniff every one. I feel like my dog. Even if you were blindfolded, you'd be overwhelmed by all the scents. Really slows you down.
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