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Slower Sunday: A Lost Tradition

Why did we humans ever stop doing this? Until a few years a go, I never even tried it. I don't think my parents ever did. I'm really not sure if my grandparents did. C'mon, the day is young. Give it a try.
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Resolution #2: Be Better at Slower

Not just on Sundays. You should have a time machine whenever you want to slow down. If you don't have one, here, you can use mine. Now. Any time. Until you find yours. Just Press Play.
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The Year on the Trail 2022

Up in the Dolomites. All the little rifugios and ristorantes really are charming. The terrain is beyond spectacular. Made my year. Click, Press Play and make your Sunday. Happy New Year.
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Christmas Time Travel

All aboard for that trip back to childhood. Take a minute. Press Play to see why it's worth making time to time travel.
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Slower Sunday: Inhale

When the holiday hustle and bustle threatens peace on your piece of the earth, here's a soothing Way out. A warm, fragrant Way. Deck the halls, fill the air.
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Turkey. Time.

Before cameras and all things digital, making a picture of something was slow going. Press Play. Watch Slowly. Carefully. It'll only take a minute.
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Slower Sunday: You can’t hurry love.

Or eggs. Why don't you try this. No rush. Whenever you get around to it. Could be breakfast or lunch or dinner. Keep the heat low. And keep the eggs moving. The slow cooking, it cooks them perfectly. No wet spots. No dry spots. Everything's just right.
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Slower Sunday: A Stir

Great way to get an hour of relaxation and entertainment. Look at this. Closely. There's a lot going on here. Enough to stare at for quite a while. Almost psychedelic. I love this stuff.
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