You look into its eyes. Bright eyes. It's not alive. But it's not really what you'd call dead. Today's the day to carve your pumpkin. Slowly and carefully. Press Play. Watch.
When you stop to think about the whole olive experience, it's really not bad being the olive. Even though you get eaten. Press Play. Then decide if you wouldn't rather be hanging out right here, right now.
It lets you be right here, right now. Then it lets you be somewhere else right now, at the same time. Lets you be right here and get away from it all. All at once. Just Press Play.
When you're in the forest, you're surrounded. No losing sight of it. But you might miss everything the trees offer. Each one is its own world. When you're in the rainforest, it's extreme. A whole forest's worth of stuff in each tree. Press Play. You'll see.
I don't fish. But if I did, this would be my favorite place. Hard to imagine a more spectacular place for it. Or a more secluded place. Press Play for a completely relaxing one-minute vacation. You'll wish you were here.