My theory is that it's good for you. Intense sensory stimulation. Has to be great exercise for your eyes, especially when the color's this big. Visual heavy lifting. Press Play. Start here, just for practice. Then go out for the real thing.
Still wondering what to do for Mom today? You still have two good choices. Bring some flowers to Mom. Or bring Mom to some flowers. But if neither one of these works for you this year, here's a third choice. Send Mom a link to these flowers.
Over and over. One after another. So steady. So rhythmic. Waves are a perfect rhythm section. They never miss a beat. Nature's karaoke. You do the melody, OK? Press Play. Whistle. Hum. Sing. C'mon.
You really don't need a mask up here. Especially not at six in the morning. It's beautiful and hopeful. Hopin' for an even better year next year. Happy New Year.
Is this your year to burn Thanksgiving calories on a Treadmill? In the comfy and great indoors. Here are a couple of great ones that are ... here. Available right now - no supply chain excuses. And they're discounted for three days!
The last 20 months have really brought home the importance of being able to derive joy from what used to seem like little things, things we took for granted. Today, I'm thankful to have Thanksgiving dinner indoors.