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3rd Way of Christmas: Air Freshener

When the holiday hustle and bustle threatens peace on your piece of the earth, here's a soothing Way out. A warm, fragrant Way. Deck the halls, fill the air. Press Play for the recipe.
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Bird watching

They don't make them like this anymore. And we don't see them like this anymore. Not much, anyway. But I think you'll like it if you give it a try. Just ninety seconds. Press Play. Watch Slowly. Carefully.
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Slower Sunday: Like Riding a Bike

You never forget how to do it. Maybe you haven't done it for years. Maybe decades. But once you take the first step, you know you've still got it. Press Play for the refresher course. Then go find some leaves.
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The Hurricane Edition

October 29, 2012. Rough day for us, my fellow East Coasters here in the U.S.A. Big, bad Hurricane Sandy coming ashore in a few hours. The tide's already up over the bulkheads and starting to flood New York's waterfront neighborhoods.…

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Slower Sunday: Colors Deep, Eyes Wide

The autumn light show. Free everywhere the leaves turn colors. Press Play. Start with these, just for practice. Then go out for the real thing. Perfect for a Sunday.
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Slower Sunday: By The Brook

While the leaves are still on the trees, every little place in the forest seems so private. Just add water for a soundtrack. Good day for a walk in the woods near some water. Great by yourself. Great with someone else. Here's a start. Just Press Play.
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Slower Sunday: Beauty Treatment

For your eyes only. Not the lids. Not the lashes or the brows. Or the little wrinkles in the corners. Just your eyes. The windows to your soul. If they're really windows, they work both ways. So let this in. It must be good for your soul. It's beautiful.n
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Slower Sunday: Golden Anniversary

Big birthday today. The Golden Gate Bridge turns 75. If you're in town, take a birthday walk. If you're not, Press Play. Then imagine you are and take a walk anyway. And sing happy birthday.
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