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Slower Sunday: Parallel Universe

Three hours, six miles and 3,600' to get to the edge. To be on the edge. To look over the edge. At something you've never seen before. Something you can only see from here. Go on. Press Play. For a mellow-minute adventure.
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Slower Sunday: Talking points

Wonder what they're talking about. Sounds like everyone's into it, but it's all talk. Not much action out there. Maybe they're singing. Probably sounds great to them. They keep doing it. Press Play. Eavesdrop. Just for a minute. It's Sunday.
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Slower Sunday: Up on the roof

Images from a happier time and place. Ten years before 9/11. A laser light show I made every night up on the roof of the World Trade Center. These are the images stuck in my head forever. Press Play. See if you can make them stick for a little while.
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Slower Sunday: Way up high

Strange weather. Beautiful colors. Probably the only rainbow you'll see today. Just Press Play. Or get a wand and a bottle of the bubble stuff. Blow some. Different. But the same colors. Pretty good thing to do on a Sunday.
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Slower Sunday: Big Bamboo

The biggest grasses on earth. They can grow a meter a day. A yard in one day. They can go from zero to full height in three or four months. You can grow a whole new forest in a few months. For now, just take a minute. Press Play.n
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Slower Sunday: Inhale

Intoxicating. Makes you want more. Press Play and take a very deep breath. All the Way in. All the Way out. Good practice. Lots of things blooming out there right now that are worth a sniff.
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Slower Sunday: Dough between my fingers

You don't really think about it. You don't think about anything at all. You just squeeze and pull and squeeze and pull. For a few minutes, there's really nothing else going on in your world. You're making a total mess, but, so what. You can wash your hands later.
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Slower Sunday: Sand Between Your Toes

It really captures you. Steals you away from yourself. So you get a break from ... being you. You're walking and it's just about here. About now. Not about you. What a relief. Just Press Play for a minute of it.
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Slower Sunday: Why’s this water so cold?

We're in Hawaii. This is Hanakapi'ai Falls. I've been up on top, where the water comes from. It's hot up there, too. Eventually you get used to it. Become one with the water. Well, one temperature. Dip a toe in. Press Play.
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