You probably already sent Mom some roses. But just in case, I have an idea. You could send her a link to these virtual roses. She won't even have to log in. It's Mother's Day. It's on me. Just Press Play.
If you ever wonder why people hike all the way out and up to places likes this, well, it's probably for the view. So here we are - let's enjoy the view. Press Play.
I used to think they were only good for May flowers. But when you stop to look at them, these raindrops are pretty good looking. Maybe even mesmerizing if you just let yourself go for a minute. And you should. So Press Play.
While you're looking up in the trees for monkeys, you could totally miss what's happening down there. The most complex society on the planet, except ours. Maybe. Pressing Play is believing.
If I hadn't driven here on a familiar highway and followed the trail map down into the canyon ... if I just woke up and found myself here ... I don't think I'd be so sure I was here on planet Earth.
Parade with your friends. Parade by yourself. Did you know that a half-hour of brisk parading burns all the calories in an ounce of chocolate? That's a whole chocolate bunny ear. Solid, not hollow. The large size.
Yellow's not my favorite color, but when this happens each year I really get why the happy face symbol is always colored yellow. Makes me happy. The forsythia, not the emoji.
Now that you're wide awake, let's tackle one of the big issues of the day. Daylight savings. Or, maybe a Better Way to think about it: saving daylight. Ask not how daylight can save you. Ask how you can save daylight.