You're walking in the sand. You sink in a little more with each step. You know that when you get to the top of the dune, you'll have a spectacular view of ...
When I was very young, my dad used to make pancakes for me and my sister on Sundays. Didn't take any longer to make them then than it does now, but it seemed like forever for an impatient five year old. I really wasn't that into the idea of Slower at that age.
You probably already sent Mom some roses. But just in case, I have an idea. You could send her a link to these virtual roses. She won't even have to log in. It's Mother's Day. It's on me. Just Press Play.
If you ever wonder why people hike all the way out and up to places likes this, well, it's probably for the view. So here we are - let's enjoy the view. Press Play.