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The Walk To Burn Thanksgiving Calories

The Walk you map for yourself. Wherever you are. Because you feel a little like a stuffed turkey and it's time to Walk off some of that tasty stuff. Make it a good memory before it turns to fat. Two hours knocks off all the trimmings.
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Cold Turkey. Recovery Plan. Moussaka?

Really. Crisp, buttery potatoes. Rich, melting eggplant. Luscious cheese sauce. It's practically the national dish in Greece, where they make it with ground lamb. That's what I was doing when I thought, why not make Turkey Moussaka?
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Slower Sunday: Take Flight

Some birds have all the luck. Some don't. Take the turkey. A poor flier. And totally edible. Then there's the pelican. Funny looking on the ground. But when it takes flight, that's something to see. Effortless. Graceful. Take a minute. Press Play.
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Got 10 minutes? For your blood pressure?

3 10-minute walks each day can make a significant contribution to lowering your blood pressure. Just brisk walking - no running - does the trick. If you don't have a dog, or if getting outside for three walks a day just doesn't work for you, here are some indoor options.
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Sweet Potato Pie

Just make it. It's great. It's cheap. It's easy. The only real decision is how to serve it. Turkey sidekick or dessert? No Better Way to eat a sweet potato. Thanksgiving Day or Any Day.
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Ginger-Spiked Cranberry Relish

Four ingredients. Four minutes of preparation. For a powerful, intense condiment that'll light up your turkey and wake up your mouth. Start with just a little. That's all it takes to beautify and amplify Thanksgiving dinner.
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