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80 Ways: Winter Ratatouille

80 Ways to eat very well. 80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. From very different places with very different diets. But they all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads.
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Fountain of Youth: Standing Room Only

Whatever you do, don't sit down. The evidence keeps piling up: stand up and move if you want to live longer. Or just stand up and don't move. Even more interesting: Baby Boomers who keep exercising show specific physiological signs of staying young. Short summaries of three recent studies.
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The Year In The Kitchen: 2014

Until I started cooking five years ago, I had one reaction to every great restaurant meal: don't try this at home by yourself. I've spent the last five years learning to try anything. These were my 2014 kitchen revelations. Each one turned out great on the first try.
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The Year on the Trail: 2014

A great year in wonderful places with wildly different end-of-the-trail destinations. Only one Way to get there. Put your best feet forward until you arrive at the jaw-dropping spot. Make the resolution: be in shape for more trails in 2015. Press Play for Persuasion.
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Roll Your Own: The Tortilla Gift Kit

If you like corn and rustic bread, there's nothing better than a fresh, just-made corn tortilla. If you eat gluten-free, the BCS Tortilla Kit is the best culinary gift you can receive. I made fresh ones 3 Ways. Click for the results - and the stuff you need to do it yourself.
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Slower Sunday: Like Jelly

I just spent a few weeks training for a 10K run. I could've been training for this. Floating. Undulating. I don't think I've ever even tried to undulate. I wonder where you do this. If you're not a jellyfish.
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