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Baked Collard Green and Bacon Chips

The gateway preparation to get the incredibly cheap and healthful collard green into your diet. Paper-thin, absolutely crisp, lighter-than-air Collard Green Chips. Enriched and smoky from the bacon that becomes a perfectly crisped chip, too.
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That Low-Carb vs. Low-Fat Diet Study

You probably saw the news coverage even if you didn't see the report. The low-carb diet was more effective for weight loss and cardiovascular risk factor reduction. That diet sounds a whole lot like our low glycemic load Better Cheaper Slimmer diet.
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White Pine Lake. Are we there yet?

5 miles out and 2,400' up the trail. It's beautiful. It's serene. Your mouth hangs wide open for a full 30 seconds. Transparent pale blue water with a red rock background. You burned 1,000 calories. Now find a big rock. Sit. Contemplate.
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My vacation high

Way up in the Teton Range. One of those hikes that makes your day. Makes your vacation. Makes IMAX look like a postcard. Ten miles out and back. Six thousand feet up and down. 4,000 calories burned. Or take an early fork in the trail for a great walk around two pristine lakes.
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Paella Party. The easy dinner party.

Looks like a party the second it comes out of the oven or off the grill, so don't worry about the weather on party day. 15 minutes of preparation for this beautiful, aromatic, luscious flavor bomb of orange-yellow rice with chicken and chorizo sausage.
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Higher ground, lower temperature

July 11, 2014. Down there where my feet hit the sidewalk, it's hot. Very hot. But up here in my mind, I'm making snowballs. I'm imagining the coolest hike in Hawai'i. Hawai'i?Sure, it's pretty balmy down at sea level. You…

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