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American Pie: The 4th of July Pizza

Unfurl the red, white and blue. Toss your dough high. Pick your berries fresh. What's more American than pizza? You can start with burgers and dogs, but finish with this sweet, creamy fruit and cheese course on a very thin pizza crust.
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Movin’ Groovin’ Monday: Down South

While I was in the kitchen stirring grits and pulling pork for this week's recipes, my toes were tapping and my hips were shaking to these all-time great dance tunes made in Memphis. If getting motivated to exercise is a problem, here's my solution: music you can't not dance to.
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Slower Sunday: has it all

Pretty much every trail has it all. All it takes to slow you down, clear your mind and give you a fresh start. And then some trails have a little more. Press Play for a one-minute vacation.
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80 Ways: Worldwide Chocolate:Cream Pie

80 recipes. Based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Lots of them have a third: chocolate. Which has a GL near zero.
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