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Lose 5 pounds without trying

Happens to me every June. I lose five pounds. I don't try to. I think it's all about all the lettuce from our CSA farm share. Not much room left on the plate for anything else. So you eat less of the high-calorie stuff. And you get inventive with lettuce.
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Better Cheaper Stronger: Hamstrings

If you want to increase your leg strength before you start a jogging or running program, today's Leg Curl is a great Way. It'll strengthen your hamstrings before you ask them to go the extra mile out on the street. No weight machine necessary. Just a featherweight resistance tube.
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Better Cheaper Stronger: Hips and Quads

If you want to increase your leg strength before you start a jogging or running program, today's Hip Flexion is a great Way. It'll strengthen your hip flexors and your quadriceps. Before you ask them to go the extra mile out on the street. No weight machine necessary. Just a featherweight resistance tube.
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Hot Buttered Pizza

Better than the best hot buttered toast you ever had. Soft, puffy and chewy around the edge. Thin, crisp and crackling in the center. On top: buttery, garlicky green beans, still fresh, slightly crisp and sweet. With a slightly salty edge from a little melted cheese.
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Green Soda with Fish: Lemon-Basil-Mint

What to drink with a nice dinner when you don't want alcohol. No red wine. No white wine. No beer. Just something with a lot of good, interesting flavor. Something you sip very slowly. A great pairing with fish or shellfish. Or veal or chicken. Cheers!
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Slower Sunday: Surprise

They're hard to see when they first pop up. But once they pop, they grow up very, very fast. From an 8-inch spear to a four-foot stalk in two days. Spring's half-gone, summer's coming. Gotta pay attention, every day, to everything else that's growing up.
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Let’s Do Your Math. Advanced Class.

Actually, let's let a computer at the National Institutes of Health do the math for you. Plug in your age, weight, height and a few other things. Press Play. A second later, you have the answer: Slower. So what's the question?
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