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Feast of 7 Vegetables: Pan Tomate

The way most tapas binges begin in Spain. Simple, sweet, sharp, crunchy and soft in each bite. A great Way to start any party or feast for 5 or 10 cents per person. 10 minutes to walk off the 60 calories in one thick, satisfying slice.
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Rustic Apple Tart

I didn't go for "neat" during my first attempt at pie crust. I just hoped for something crust-like that would taste pretty good and not fall apart. What I got was much, much Better than what I hoped for. And quick and easy, too.
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The Walking That Eats Thanksgiving

Press Play and take a little video walk with me. And think about this: if you run or walk a lot, you're less likely to gain weight from holiday meat-eating extravaganzas. I'll tell you about this new research while we're walking.
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The Thanksgiving Stretch

If you're traveling, you'll have enough on your mind. So give your body a break. Because something ought to be relaxed when you arrive. Some stretches for the car, the plane and the rest stop. Have a Slower Saner holiday.
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The Walk That Ate Philadelphia

It's all right here. Independence Hall. The Liberty Bell. The "Rocky" Steps. Roast pork. Have a blast, burn 2,000 calories in 4 - 5 hours along the 12.5-mile Way. Eat and drink Way less than 2,000 calories of great stuff. Click for the map and menu.
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Upside Down Green Tomato Corncake

Yes, it's a mouthful in every Way. A new comfort food. A big slice is a small meal in itself. Slightly tart and very sweet at the same time. The cornbread is rich but light. Breakfast, lunch or dinner for $1.
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Slower Sunday: Bobbing

What a crazy way this is to eat an apple. But, then, what's it like to be the apple? This'll slow you down. Whether you're an apple or a human. Just Press Play.
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Pear Gruyere Gratin

This could be your Thanksgiving dessert. Rich but not heavy. Satisfying and seductive, not Spartan. A fill-the-mouth and warm-the-soul fruit and cheese course.
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