50 cents per serving for a deeply flavorful, sweet and savory dish. Totally satisfying. Your daily Vitamin A requirement and a lot of Vitamin C for 30 calories. Serve it with polenta or farro and make a meal out of it.
Roasted Pumpkin Salad with Cranberries and Quinoa. Waste not, want not. Use all of that pumpkin. Two big servings for $4. Mustard-lemon dressing adds brightness and spice to the mellow sweet pumpkin.
Sweet pumpkin with spicy sausage. A little bit of Romesco sauce for a huge range of deep flavors spreading across your tongue and making the pumpkin and pepperoni seem like old friends. Great on top of bubbling mozzarella. A great $2 pizza.
This is my favorite stairway. If more stairways looked more like this, I'll bet a lot more of us would take the stairs. Take a minute. Take a look. Press Play.
This time of year, it's hard to beat a sweet, crisp apple and a hunk of cheddar. Well, this Apple Cheddar Gratin beats it. If that sounds like something you shouldn't try to do at home by yourself, the sound's deceiving. Click. Tasting is believing.
Around the world in 80 blocks. 5.6 miles. Walk briskly between stops and burn 600 calories. While you sample great eats from dozens of countries and cultures. All in a half-day's Walk in Manhattan.
My candidate for best Fall vegetable dish. You'll love this even if you're not wild about cauliflower. Less than $2 for four servings of an unusually delicious dish that you'll make a hundred times if you make it once.
This homemade ketchup is so much Better than ketchup it's hard to think of it as ketchup. A hamburger couldn't imagine this in its wildest dreams. 18 cents for a tablespoon of revelation.
Take a minute. To see what's around the bend. C'mon, it's Sunday. It's a minute. Just Press Play. Really nice way to start the day. Maybe you'll take a walk, too. One with a beautiful ending.
Delicious. Luxurious. A party in your mouth. The perfect breakfast for a Slower Saturday or Sunday. Smells as great as it tastes. Turns you whole home into an aromatherapy clinic while it's in the oven. $2.75. Serves 8 - 12.