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This little piggy went to market

This is not the story of bacon. This is the story of me, and maybe you, at a Farmers Market in mid-summer. Much too much to choose from. Gotta get a little bit of everything. Here's what to do with it all.
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Summer Eggplant Parmigiana

$3.50 per serving for a light, bright, sweet, herbaceous, rich, luscious and gooey main course. No breading. No oil. 300 calories. If you're going to eat vegetarian a few days a week, this is the Way to do it.
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Blueberry Lemon Corncake

Make the cake, the whole thing, for $7.50 while blueberries are delicious, abundant and well-priced. Slice it 12 Ways: 62 cents per serving. 200 calories. Absolutely delicious. Rich but not heavy. Sweet but not too. Great Weekend breakfast.
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Walk to an iceberg. Iceberg Lake.

No penguins, but otherwise it's a perfect hike. A little under five miles each way. Beautiful every step of the way. Miles of wildflowers. And this luminous glacial lake. The one with the glowing white icebergs.
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Pizza Popsicles: Pie on a Stick

These savory popsicles are delicious, they're weird, they'll make you laugh, they'll make you happy whenever they're in your mouth. A convenient, frozen-solid, hand-held pizza on a stick. Great ingredients you can't stop licking.
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Just an experiment. Injecting new life into a hamburger. With a hot dog. Perfect for those moments when you just can't decide. Hamburger? Or hot dog? Even if you're not having trouble with the decision, this hamburger-hot dog hybrid tastes good.
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Grilled Escarole with Smoky White Beans

Substantial but not heavy. Cook the beans with fresh sage, garlic and a little bacon. A totally rich and mellow layer of beans to put under those fresh and very slightly bitter escarole greens. Greens a little smoky from the grill.
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On The Ball: Squat with Front Raise

Strengthen your shoulder, arm and chest muscles by squeezing this really big exercise ball between your hands. And raising it above your head. Use your core, back and leg muscles to squat. And get back up. Strengthen many muscles at once. Very time-efficient.
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