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Salade Lyonnaise for Bastille Day

Let's celebrate our early Summer greens with a really rich and unusually tasty salad. Sweet and warm bacon & eggs vinaigrette for crisp and slightly bitter salad greens. A salad that qualifies for "party in your mouth" status.
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On The Ball: Front Raises

Strengthen your shoulder, arm and chest muscles by squeezing this really big exercise ball between your hands. And raising it above your head. Use your core, back and leg muscles, to balance while you're top-heavy. Strengthen many muscles at once. Very time-efficient.
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Slower Sunday: Pretty wet

Four miles down the Panorama Trail to get here. But the physical exercise is just a side effect. The real effect is the vacation for your mind. Doesn't take Illilouette Falls at Yosemite to do the trick. But it's yours for a minute. Just Press Play.
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One day. Seven glaciers. Two waterfalls.

July is Glacier Month because, well, what's Better and Cheaper than finding a cool spot in a national park in July? What's Slower than a glacier? Seven in one hike. Make your travel plans, or just make believe with my 3D Google Map.
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Ripe Now: Summer Squash-Basil Pancakes

What every zucchini wants to be when it's time. Delicious. They're everywhere. At their peak. Cheap. Unless you really rather eat them raw, this is the way to enjoy Summer squash. A light crunchy crust that protects the sweet flavors of Summer squash and aromatic basil.
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Inside-Out BLT. Celebrate your lettuce.

A sandwich that wanted to be a salad. To take advantage of Cheap, plentiful early Summer greens at their seasonal peak. So the lettuce is on the outside and the bread's on the inside. An all-American BLT. Just a little confused.
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The Chard Breakthrough

A big salad posing as a pizza. A huge mound of exceptionally fresh flash-baked greens on a hot, fresh pizza crust. Delicious. Another example of pizza crust as the perfect platform for almost everything fresh and tasty. Dinner for two for $2.
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