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How to Cook a Wolf

Nope, not a cooking technique or a recipe. The wolf is the wolf at the door. M.F.K. Fisher wrote How To Cook A Wolf at the tail end of the last Depression. The wolf was hunger. Or, more generally, scarcity. Or just anxiety about scarcity. Something that's very right now for a lot of people, don't you think?
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How to Grill a Wild Salmon

I love wild salmon. I really love it grilled. But there was always this problem: when you flip a filet over on the side without skin, a lot of the salmon sticks to the grill. Wastes salmon. Looks ugly. Here's the solution.
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Poached egg on asparagus. Let it flow.

With basil dressing. Wow, this was delicious. Luxurious in your mouth. When your fork hits the egg, the yolk runs into the basil and magically makes a rich but light and bright sauce for the asparagus. Ten minutes to prepare. $2.50 per serving.
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On The Ball: Bent-over Abduction

Stretch and strengthen your outer thigh and butt muscles while you lift your leg. Strengthen your core and back muscles by supporting yourself with just one hand on this really big $12 exercise ball. You use many, many muscles. Very time-efficient. And burns calories faster.
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Slower Sunday: Blue and white

Pure blue sky. Bright, creamy white flowers. If it's not too early for eyes wide open, it'll clear your head. Press Play. Practice for a minute. Then go out for the real thing. Feel your eyes work.
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Strawberry Rhubarb French Toast

Started life as a hamburger bun. Found its true calling in a pan. This light, bright zero-sugar-but-nice-and-sweet fruit glaze and puree is fantastic with the luxurious souffle-like toast. Less than a buck for a great little breakfast.
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Garden Watch: June 2, 2011. First Picks

Big week in the garden. First week some of it comes into the kitchen for real meals. Just picked the first ripe strawberries. The basil's going wild after the first week of hot sun. I'm thinking about a very fresh pesto tonight. Maybe a few of the season's first Basil Rolls.
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On The Ball: Spinal Twist

Stretch and strengthen your core, back and leg muscles while you stand and twist. Strengthen your shoulder and chest muscles by squeezing this really big $12 exercise ball between your hands. You use many, many muscles. Very time-efficient. And burns calories faster.
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