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Bacon Cornbread

A persuasive case for eating less meat and enjoying it more. A little meat as the flavor kick for a mainly meatless dish. Whole-grain cornbread with a thin, crackling bacon-flavored crust around a soft, light, crumbly interior. Full of tiny, crunchy flecks of bacon.
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Don’t Just Sit There. Rock.

Even if you exercise vigorously for an hour every day - too much sitting significantly increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity. So when you're in front of your TV or computer, do some calf rocking - or something like it - for a minute, every hour or two.
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Slower Sunday: Wave Theory

This is where I want to be. And I am. Take a long walk to something beautiful. Like this. Take a minute. Press Play. You don't need an ocean. But it's nice to have one. Once in a while. That's my theory, anyway.
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Cinnamon Pizza Puffs

A completely new addiction. The answer to doughnut holes, if you think of them as questionable. Light, airy, warm. Not fried. Five minutes in a very hot oven. Real easy. Real Cheap. About a penny a puff. Hard to eat them Slower. But you can always work on that.
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The Walk That’s … Tough

I know it's tough to get motivated some days. But walking. Just walking. It's so good for you. Walking makes you feel better. All day. Improves your memory. Really. Helps to prevent all kinds of undesirable conditions. Press Play. Maybe this'll help.
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Spring Watch, Part 2: Time and Space

Grow a vertical garden. A living wall. Woolly Pockets hang on the wall. Easily. Indoor versions and outdoor versions. I grew a salsa garden in one: cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapeno peppers, coriander. String beans and nasturtiums in others.
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Don’t Just Sit There. Lunge forward.

Even if you exercise vigorously for an hour every day - too much sitting significantly increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity. So when you're in front of your TV or computer, do this - or something like it - for a minute, every hour or two.
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Slower Sunday. Deeper Color.

I got my mid-winter flower fix in Hawai'i last week. Bougainvillea everywhere. Whole walls of it. If you've been staring at a lot of white snow, it's probably good to remind your brain about colors. Real deep colors. Thought you might like some. It's Sunday. Take a minute. Just Press Play.
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Don't want to slip-slide or ankle-twist your way up or down this wicked steep trail. You're focused on the five or ten feet right in front of you. Back down on the beach, you see to the edge of the earth. Exercise your farsighted muscles. Press Play. You'll see.
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Cheap Date Balsamic Caviar and Strawberries

Balsamic "Caviar". Glistening, pearl-like spheres of flavor. On strawberry slices. Sounds romantic. Looks cool. Tastes great. Definitely a conversation piece. Perfect for Valentine's Day. A Cheaper Way to achieve a Better Slower ... experience.
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