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Balance: Standing on one leg

You could slip, trip or otherwise sprain an ankle or end up on your butt later today. And off both feet for six to eight weeks. So take a minute to consider three minutes a day of Balance Training. One leg at a time. Just Press Play.
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Slower Sunday: 90 seconds at 25,000 feet

Think about climbing to the top of one of those. That ought to slow you down. Yeah, you really had to be there, in Nepal. But take a little break right now, just 90 seconds to look at something spectacularly beautiful. It's Sunday. Just Press Play.
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Stuffed Two Ways

When my CSA farm share came with a bunch of truly beautiful looking poblano peppers, the ones grown to become chili rellenos - I knew what the leftover polenta, acorn squash and salsa verde were meant for.
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The Trek That Ate (Organic in) Nepal

I don't know about you, but my jaw doesn't actually drop all that often. When I got up to the ridge line, my jaw dropped. Every peak in sight is higher than 20,000 feet - a lot higher. You're miles away from these mountains - but your neck's craned up at a sharp angle so you can see the summits.
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Look, ma – no cavities.

During the 1930s Weston Price, a dentist, traveled the world looking for the key to dental health. Looking for people with good teeth. He found them here, there and everywhere. Well, there and everywhere - but not here. Not anywhere that people ate highly refined and processed "modern" foods.
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Pancakes for dinner: Acorn Squash

I was contemplating a beautiful Acorn Squash yesterday. I can't honestly say this dark green and bright orange thing spoke to me, but I had a feeling it might make a great savory pancake. It did. It's a hard squash, but there's an easy way to soften it up and make a seasonally tasty, beautiful and cheap meal with it.
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Chip off the old squash

I really enjoy looking at them, but it's time to start eating them. Frequently. winter squash are ripe, seasonal and cheap everywhere. Can't just keep roasting and baking them, so I just made some squash chips.
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Slower Sunday: One step at a time

A couple of days of walking and eating your way through Beijing - the constant noise and perpetual motion really get to you. So you drive three hours to the Great Wall, the "Wild Wall" part at Simatai, and what gets you is . . . tranquility. Press Play. Have a tranquil Sunday.
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Pizza 102: Toss It

Welcome, graduates of Pizza 101. You've made your own dough, you've rolled out your crusts with a rolling pin and ... you're beginning to feel, like, one with your dough. It's time to put away the pin and learn to spin.
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Pear Tarte Tatin

Delicious in the extreme. Less than $3 for a spectacular dessert from your own oven. A half hour preparation. Bakes while you're eating dinner. Makes your entire home smell edible. Exercise enough self control to have leftovers, you get a killer breakfast the next morning, too.
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