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The Walk That Ate New York, Part 2

Wherever you are, you can make a great, all-day Exercising & Eating Extravaganza where you burn way more calories than you consume. Do it on a sunny day and get some free Vitamin D. If you're in New York, try my 6- or 14-mile trail.
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Apple-a-Day: Apple-Cheddar Pizza Pie

I got a huge bag of apples in my CSA farm share this week, so I'm making an Apple-Cheddar Pizza. Apples are everywhere now - at the seasonal peak flavors and seasonal low prices. Hit the Farmers Market, get some apples and try this for brunch. Or breakfast. Or lunch. Or dinner.
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Ripe and tasty: squash in soffrito

Squash is everywhere and really cheap right now. Acorn squash, butternut squash, Hubbards, pumpkins. All very cool looking. Especially the Delicata, and it's easy to peel. Even easier to cook if you made a batch of soffrito.
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Better Cheaper Stronger: Chest Press

We've worked on your biceps with the Curl; your triceps with the overhead extension. Now let's look at your chest. Here's a standing Chest Press for you. No bench, no barbell. Just a resistance tube or a couple of small hand weights. I can tell you feel stronger just thinking about it.
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Slower Sunday: Naturalize

I love my tulips and daffodils. And I'm always relieved and delighted when the first crocuses and grape hyacinths pop up, sometimes in the snow. But the irises, they're really fascinating. So many little details in each flower. I can just sit and stare. So press Play and stare for a minute. It's Sunday. Make believe.
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Bulb Time

If you have space, make time. To buy and plant some bulbs during the next few weeks. It's now ... or a year from now. Tulips, irises, lilies, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses. All those things that just pop up right on time every year to let you know the natural world still works.
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Apple-A-Day: Maple Syrup & Bacon

I don't know about you, but I'm eating a lot of great apples these days. Usually I just pick one up and take a bite. But sometimes I want it to be more like a meal, a real dish. Yesterday, a maple syrup-baked apple with bacon did the trick. Great for breakfast, brunch or lunch.
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Soffrito makes it better

You can learn to do this at any age, whether or not you have an Italian grandmother. Make a week's worth of this stuff and eat better for a week. Then do it again next week.
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BetterCheaperStronger: Triceps Extension

We've worked on your biceps with the Curl; now we'll balance that by strengthening your triceps muscle, the flip side of your biceps. You use your biceps to pull (picking up a bag) - and your triceps to push (putting something on a high shelf).
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Slower Sunday: Summertime Blues

Ain't no cure for this. The last Sunday of summer, the last blueberries. I just took off the bird nets and picked every last berry. Look at them. Just for a minute. They're beautiful. Press Play.
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