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Pop Culture Week: Adult Rated

Deep, dark, delicious. Just enough sugar to be slightly sweet, not bitter. 50 cents and 23 calories per pop. I have no idea why I never made these before. Four minutes to make a batch. Four hours to freeze them. Then lick away!
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Pop Culture Week: Mint-Melon Delight

Get a really ripe melon. So sweet you won't even think about adding sugar. Not even to offset the cool of the mint and the kick of the ginger. A truly sweet and wonderfully refreshing Way to start or finish a meal on a hot day.
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Your Monday #27: Better Calves

Let's start the week loose. Comfortable. Flexible. Because flexible muscles make everything easier and less tiring. Today's Way'll relax and stretch your calves. Make them feel and function better.
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Strawberry Lemon Tart

A fresh, juicy, sweet-and-tart tart in a light, buttery crust. Summer's here! And it's Better and Cheaper. Remain calm. Eat Slower. You can have another slice.
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Return Trip: Moraine Lake, Banff, Canada

First time I hiked up above Moraine Lake I was a college kid. It was the summer of 1969 or '70. My first mountain hiking. My first glacier viewing. Cool. No training or preparation. Just hit the trail. Now I wondered how the old bones would feel on the same old trail to a a very cool and profoundly beautiful place.
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Summer Salad Pizza

A big salad posing as a pizza. A huge mound of exceptionally fresh, colorful, flash-baked radicchio, leek, sweet pepper and cucumber on a hot, fresh pizza crust. Another example of pizza crust as the perfect platform for almost everything fresh and tasty. Dinner for two for $2.
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Grilled Cheese & Salad Sandwich

Less than $2 for a meal-in-a-sandwich. Deeply rich, slightly salty aged cheese. Zippy bright lemon. Slightly bitter and crunchy arugula. All pressed between rich, buttery toast. Walk it off in an hour. With a great taste in your mouth.
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Lamb. Mint. Pesto, not jelly.

A bright, lively, wildly aromatic herb sauce to lighten the richness of lamb. Probably just as refreshing with anything hot off the grill, say, eggplant. A glycemic Load of zero. Puts mint jelly - with more sugar than Coca-Cola - to shame.
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Your Monday #26: A good squeeze

Today's Way comes with a simple, gentle one-minute Way to improve your health. Get up! C'mon, you can read standing up. By the time you finish reading this Way, you'll probably finish today's healthy better-posture exercise.
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