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Finding the Appalachian Trail. Everywhere.

If you live on or near the East Coast of the United States, you're probably not far from the historic Appalachian Trail. From Georgia to Maine, this 2050-mile National Scenic Trail winds along the backbone of the Appalachian Mountain Range. Here in western Massachusetts, they call their section of the range The Berkshires.
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Great Meals and Blood Pressure

Beans, kale, nuts and mushrooms. What do they have in common? Uncommonly high levels of potassium. What's that got to do with blood pressure? A lot. If you thought that hypertension was only all about salt (sodium) consumption, think again.
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Asian Spinach Salad

All these wildly fresh leafy greens from our CSA farm share keep turning into wildly delicious but near-zero-calorie salads. Here's what just happened to a bunch of the freshest spinach you've ever seen or tasted.
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Telluride Hiking 101. Brownies optional.

If you're still looking for your summer adventure hike, this is a great place to start. The landscape is breathtaking. So is the altitude. Here's the perfect morning-long getting-to-know-you hike. Spectacular open views of everything. An orientation tour at a glance.
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Hot Dogs for the 21st Century

What's going to be on your plate this 4th of July? If it's meat, read this before you go shopping: results from a Harvard School of Public Health study and from my grill. Halve your meat and double your fun.
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