Hot and steamy. Aromatic. Deeply delicious. Completely satisfying. It'll make you happy. Eat very slowly or you'll eat too much of this high-protein, vegetarian complete-meal-in-a-bowl.
Winter's answer to salad. Smoking hot, right out of the oven. Chard, kale, onion. Brown on top, bubbling throughout. A very green and rich-but-not-heavy gratin casserole. You'll be so happy you made it. And amazed you made it so easily.
Nothing like the frozen stuff you remember from your childhood. This is everything Chicken Pot Pie always wanted to be. The perfect steaming hot dish on a still-cold late winter night. Shockingly delicious. Call it something else if that makes you feel better.
Let's start the week loose. Comfortable. Flexible. Because flexible muscles make everything easier and less tiring. Today's Way'll relax and stretch your neck, shoulders, back and hips. Make them feel and function better.
Then the egg. Boil the stock. Then slowly, very slowly, drizzle in the egg. Gaze into the pot. This has to be the most entertaining bowl of soup around. Press Play for a little Sunday Psychedelia. A Chinese New Year flashback.
Because it's Valentine's Day. Which is reason enough to take a long, romantic walk. Somewhere. Anywhere. But if a little Paris fantasy walk might help you imagine and blaze your own trail, click and read on.
Less than $2.50 per serving for a rich but light breakfast, lunch, brunch or dinner. That'll impress you and anybody you share it with. Aromatic and delicious enough to seduce someone with. Valentine's Day?
Luscious, creamy rice with two wonderful seasonal vegetables. Parsnips and kale. Roasting in the oven while you're stirring on the stovetop. Sweet roasted parsnips and smoky flash-roasted kale. Elegant and hearty.
Pizza spends a few minutes in a really hot oven. So do kale chips and portobello mushrooms. A match made in the oven. A perfect winter flavor combo with a crisp pizza crust and gooey cheese.
A 3-minute exercise to strengthen the muscles you use to stay on your feet. To train them to react fast. So when you step onto an uneven, slippery or unstable surface that makes you to begin to lose your balance - you'll immediately regain it.