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Orange Pudding Cake. Envy of creamsicles

Big, mouth-filling flavor. Just sweet enough to be dessert. Not too sweet to be breakfast. Amazingly light but luxurious and rich. Better than your best memory of orange creamsicles. If creamsicles knew this was a possibility, they would have changed career paths.
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Asparagus French Toast. Seriously.

The already rich and delicious brioche bread absorbs so much of the milk, egg and cheese mixture that the French toast looks, feels and tastes like a cheese souffle. That goes perfectly with early Spring asparagus, leeks and radishes. $2.50 per serving.
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A Vegan walks into a Feijoada party.

How is this big, rich, satisfying party-on-a-plate the national dish of Brazil, a country known for bikinis on Ipanema Beach? Well, it's a very Low Glycemic Load meal. No Belly Fat ingredients. Just a combination of flavors that triggers every taste bud receptor in your mouth.
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Slower Sunday: Easter Parade

Parade with your friends. Parade by yourself. Did you know that a half-hour of brisk parading burns all the calories in an ounce of chocolate? That's a whole chocolate bunny ear. Solid, not hollow. The large size.
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Live longer. For peanuts.

With peanuts. Turns out those crunchy, tasty little legumes benefit heart health and extend life. Straight from the latest research: "Consumption of nuts, particularly peanuts ... may be considered a cost-effective measure to improve cardiovascular health."
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Very Early Spring Farrotto Salad

Like risotto, but made with farro. The first cultivated grain. We humans have been growing this stuff for more than 10,000 years. Incredibly high in protein. Great nutty flavor. A light, bright, satisfying meal with a lot of fresh flavors and textures.
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Celebrate National Paella Day

Today's the big day. Early Spring, the weather should be fine to make a big party's worth of paella on the grill. But the party goes on even if it's rainy, windy, chilly. The lesson: this is a perfect time for National Spanish Paella Day. Because it's just as great when you make it in the kitchen. Here are three great Ways.
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Sweet Tomato-Fennel Risotto

Sweet Tomato-Fennel Risotto. Luscious, elegant and hearty. Deep, richly flavored rice with the bright, sweet flavors of spring and summer. Easy to make it great in 30 minutes. Required kitchen skill: stirring. And not too much of that.
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Your Monday #12: Your hamstrings

Good news: all you need is frequent exercise to maintain muscle strength and mass. At any age. Like all fourth-Mondays-of-the-month this year, today comes with a simple, three-minute Way to increase your strength. This month: your hamstrings.
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