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Your Monday #9: Look ma, no chair

Like all first-Mondays-of-the-month, today's comes with a simple, gentle one-minute Way to improve your health. Get up! C'mon, you can read standing up. By the time you finish reading this Way, you're done with the first rep of today's healthy exercise.
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Boardwalk to Heaven. And a High Swamp

4,000' above the Pacific Ocean, right on top of Kauai's Waimea Canyon. The highest swamp in the world. Eight miles out and back. Strangest, and maybe the coolest, trail I've ever hiked. The Alaka'i Swamp Trail. You have to see the photos.
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Don’t Just Do Something

Sit there. And think about what you might do with your extra day. An extra sunrise and sunset. Twelve hours in between. Press Play. C'mon. The e-mail can wait. Happy Leap Year.
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Chicken-Coconut Soup, sweetly spiced

A bright, refreshing but very warm party in your mouth. No signs of Spring where I live, so I'm making soup this week. Starting with this south by southeast Asian Chicken-Coconut Soup. Inhale. All the Way. You won't get stoned, but you'll be transported.
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Your Monday #8: Strengthen The Flip Side

Good news: all you need is frequent exercise to maintain muscle strength and mass. At any age. Like all fourth-Mondays-of-the-month this year, today comes with a simple, three-minute Way to increase your strength. This month: your triceps, the flip side of your biceps.
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Slower Sunday: Not Too Bright

Not dark. Just right. This is what you want to see when you open your eyes. You hear the surf, you stumble out of bed, you feel the sand between your toes. You give your eyes a minute to adjust. C'mon. Press Play. Give 'em a minute. This minute.
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The Walk That Ate Vancouver

Take one long walk in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and you'll know why it's always high on the lists of most livable cities. Mile after mile of beautiful, accessible waterfront. Mountain views all around. A huge, forest-like park at the end of town. And good eating all across town.
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