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Kalalau Trail to Hanakapi’ai Falls. Wow.

Before you wade into the Falls, you'll have to stroll across Ke'e Beach. And then you have to walk along two miles of the legendary Kalalau Trail, hanging a couple hundred feet above the brilliant blue Pacific. Yes, it's tough hiking here on the Hawaiian island of Kaua'i.
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Double Egg White Fried Fish. So light.

Lightly breaded, pan-fried cod. Easy, foolproof. Turns out perfectly on the first try. The lightest bread and egg white crust that's paper-thin and crackling crisp. And it keeps the fish tender and juicy. Almost any fish: bass, trout or catfish will work just as well.
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Mushroom & Pesto Pizza: always seasonal

Earthy, juicy mushrooms coated with sweet, pungent, garlicky basil. A perfect winter pizza. Mushrooms: fresh every day, all year. Basil: fresh from your windowsill or a market. Or fresh-frozen from your summer garden and ready to thaw. For this light, luscious, aromatic pizza.
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Great Balls of Exercise: Figure 8s

Stretch and strengthen your core, back and leg muscles while you stand and twist. Strengthen your shoulder and chest muscles by squeezing this really big exercise ball between your hands. You use many, many muscles. Very time-efficient. Burns calories faster. Fun, too.
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Happy New Year on The Great Wall

This Year of the Rabbit is your lucky year. Your second chance to make a healthy New Year Resolution to Be Better Outdoors. I can't think of a Better Way to celebrate the Chinese New Year than a Great Hike on the Great Wall. Even if it's just a great daydream while you take the sidewalk.
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Magic Mushroom Risotto

Rice and mushrooms so aroma- and flavor-enriched by a simple mushroom stock that you have a heightened sense of mushroom-ness. No drugs, just your common creminis and shiitakes. Deeply delicious, emphatically aromatic. Luscious, elegant and hearty at the same time.
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