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Take This Test. Right now.

OK, it's not really a test. More like a quick online survey. It's called "How Fit Are You Really?" It's all about your Cardio-Respiratory Fitness level. Which the American Heart Association now says should be regarded as a "vital sign", just like blood pressure. And should be part of your regular physical exam.
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Ski Hawai’i

Pretty balmy here at sea level. You wake up to tropical birds. You look through palms to the Pacific. You look up to the summit of Mauna Kea. To see that while you were sleeping ... it snowed. A lot. Surfing seems so yesterday. Skiing seems so today.
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Flash-Roasted Prosciutto Chips

If you like prosciutto, you'll love prosciutto chips. Like prosciutto turned up to eleven. Super-concentrated flavor and aroma when what's in your mouth is more like air. 5 minutes to prepare. Friends and family will be amazed.
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Tuscan-Fried Farmers Market

This has to be the easiest delicious thing to do with the season's bounty of root vegetables. All of them. At once. Sweet and earthy. Soft and hot inside, crisp and crunchy outside. A lot of vitamins A, B and C. Lots of dietary fiber. Low Glycemic Load. Your winter go-to dish.
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Dumbbell or needle? Roll up your sleeves

Roll up one for a flu shot? Or both and get some exercise? Revving up your heart rate during aerobic exercise also revs up your immune response. So exercise is probably your best bet for reducing sick time throughout the Fall-Winter cold season and the rest of the year.
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Slower Sunday: Inhale

When the holiday hustle and bustle threatens peace on your piece of the earth, here's a soothing Way out. A warm, fragrant Way. Deck the halls, fill the air.
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Homemade Cookie Gift of the Year

They're irresistible. They're deeply delicious. They're light. They're amazingly good for you. They're Dark Chocolate Covered Graham Crackers. Who wouldn't want a few of these? How can they be so healthy they're ideal for breakfast? Read on. Then preheat your oven.
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Healthy Lifestyle Overcomes Bad Genes

News Flash! Really. Even if you're genetically predisposed to coronary artery diseases, a healthy lifestyle can reduce your susceptibility by 50%. Yup. Just by eating and exercising well and not smoking. Click for the conclusions of the study.
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Pasta Trail in the Dolomites:
Lagazuoi The Thrilling

If you're one of those people who likes to walk or run because you like to ... eat, well, here's the trail for you. You could take the steep one-mile hike straight up to the Rifugio Scotoni. Or you could take the even steeper long Way around to one of the most thrilling - or frightening - views in the Dolomites, and then make the crazy steep descent to the Rifugio. Let's do the six-and-a-half miles. Just to be absolutely sure we'll be hungry enough for that huge platter of homemade pasta.
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