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3 Lakes. 6 Miles. 1 Sunset. Peak.

And 4 hikes. All along the Catherine Pass Trail in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah, 35 miles from Salt Lake City. From short and easy to longer and tougher, each Way comes with spectacular views, air you want to breathe and a perfect spot for a picnic.
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Kale Slaw

Not a typo. A Fall salad that will stand up to anything. Substantial and refreshing. Not overpowering. Bright, sharp, earthy and aromatic. With 4 days worth of Vitamin A, 3 days of Vitamin C and 2 weeks of Vitamin K. The season's best-tasting nutritional supplement.
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Salsa Verde Bruschetta

Snack of the Month. Another great reason to make a big batch of salsa verde when tomatillos are in season. 20 minutes to make a bowlful. To make a week's worth of vibrant, flavorful meals. Or just whip together this brilliant snack in five minutes.
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Graham crackers and sex: have s’more.

So simple and so great. A basic, almost ancient, cooking activity that you probably never thought to try. Your very first will be Better than any Graham cracker you've ever bought. Light, airy, crisp, nutty, slightly sweet. Remarkably satisfying. And so much healthier.
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Marvao: The View From The Castle

1,000' above the valley and a thousand years old. Castle walls that protected the villagers for a millennium. Today's Way is a Time Travel. A two-mile walk through the centuries. In Portugal. You should know about this.
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Eggplant Cheeseburger: The Best

It’s either the best cheeseburger of the year. Or the best vegetarian sandwich of the year. A luscious, juicy, pungent, rich and bright handheld meal in a bun. Less than half the price of a Big Mac. You have to try this.
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The Grand Aioli

There's a meatless Friday tradition in France, in Provence: aioli monstre. The Grand Aioli. A monster feast of vegetables accompanied by huge bowls of aioli. Love the name. Love the idea. And now I love the meal.
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Guys with hot flashes

And expanding guts. You may have heard about the study that examined the separate effects of decreasing testosterone levels and decreasing estrogen levels in men. Yes, we all have both of those hormones. And they affect muscle mass and abdominal fat in all of us.
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Plum Cake: Mediterranean Diet Dessert

Diet as in healthy diet, not calorie-deprivation. Ranks very high on my Pleasure-Per-Calorie chart. Delicious, even luscious. Not super-low calorie, but Way lower than a muffin at Starbucks or a donut at Dunkin'. It's lemon-olive oil cake topped with fresh fruit.
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